Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A New Addition to the Family!

Hello, friends! 

Just in case you were hoping to click on this link to see a blog post about how Megan is pregnant, Happy April Fool's Day to you!  =0).  As an offer of peace, please watch this video...

Ok, seriously, there IS a new addition to the family.  After 10 years of faithful service, we decided to trade in Megan's Malibu for a new car. 

Meet Schmeevus the Prius! 

We were looking at the Prius for a few different reasons, which I outlined in a previous post here.  The reason that we bought Schmeevus is simple: It was available and we got a good deal. 

Our first stop was actually to look at a Honda Fit (another contestant in the running) but literally as we walked into the dealership, walking out was the gal who just bought the Fit we wanted.  Alas, it wasn't meant to be. 

The second stop was to look at the Prius.  We drove it.  We loved it.  We went to dinner and prayed about it a little.  We decided to go for it.  We made an offer.  They accepted.  On Saturday we made the trade. 

I feel pretty good about the trade.  I negotiated $3000 off the asking price, which wasn't too bad in my book.  Better than that, we have a car that we both like and we plan on driving for a long time to come. 

All the things we've read about the Prius appear to be true.  It's not the world's most fun car to drive but the MPG is pretty incredible and it does everything we want it to do. 

One thing that will have to change are my calculations.  Now that we are driving a WAY efficient car, my calculations for how much money I'm saving now have to move from 36mpg (with The Rolla) to 50mpg with Schmeevus. 

Miles: 5 ($.35)
Meters: 1 hour on campus ($1)

Total: $1.35
Grand Total: $466.57
Left to Save: $136.56

Happy Biking!
