Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Big Gamble...

Hello, friends!

A few days ago I posted about the cabin fever I'd been experiencing since I hadn't biked in what seemed like forever. I said that I was going to take a gamble and go for a ride last Friday, hoping for the best. Well, I thought it would be good for me to give y'all an update about my ride and how everything went!

Honestly, it couldn't have gone better. It was a gamble that definitely paid off in a big way. Not only did I get to ride but I also probably won't get to ride for a while yet.

I hit the road around 11 so I could make it to a meeting downtown. It was chilly (12 but felt like 2) but with all my layers and half of a commute instead of a full campus commute, it was pretty easy. The wind wasn't biting at all either, which is always a plus.

My lunch meeting was great, then it was off to campus for a few hours of work and working out. By then, things had warmed up a bit more (I think it was around 20 by that point) so I was feeling pretty good. I did my stuff on campus, made it home by 5 before it got dark and colder, and called it a huge success.

Here's my favorite part about the whole thing. Saturday morning it started snowing and kept snowing all through Sunday morning. Since then, it's been the same game of slightly thawing then freezing again. These past few days have definitely not been bike friendly. I'm out of town for a conference right now so I don't know how the roads look at the moment but says that we aren't going to be above freezing again until the weekend, which means there's a chance I wouldn't get to bike again until sometime in mid-March, which would have been just about 6 weeks of no biking. That, my friends, would have been unacceptable. =0).

Distance: 3 miles ($.17)
Meters: 6 hours ($6)

Total: $6.17
Grand Total: $731.17
In the Positive: $127.16

Happy Biking!
