Wednesday, August 24, 2011

08-24-2011: The Journey Begins With a Bang!

Hello, friends!

Apparently I have an addictive personality. This is why I should stay away from casinos, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, and boardgames. (Actually, except for boardgames, I actually do stay away from those other things... personal choices, y'kno?)

Why do I tell you this? Because I may be addicted to riding this bike. Today, despite the heat, I definitely rode to tons of places where I normally would have driven. Let's run it down, shall we?

Oh, before I forget. When it comes to the mileage, this is the formula I'm using:
"miles I would need to drive" x "36mpg" x "price of gas in CoMo" = cost to drive there. My car gets 40 highway and 33 city, so 36 seemed about right.

7:30am - Plasma donation. Apparently, they use this stuff to make medicine and cosmetics and such. $45 to sit there and clench and unclench my fist. That sounds like a reasonable deal, right?
Distance from home: 1.1 miles ($.11)
Meter: 2 hours @ $.60/hour ($1.20)
Ticket because the meters in downtown CoMo are 2 hour limits and I wasn't allowed to leave the building for 4.5 hours: ($10)

12:00pm - Going to campus. I have the greatest job in the world. I work for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA as a campus staff member. When people ask what I do, I usually give them one of two answers. Either, I'm a professional Christian, or I hang out with college students and tell them about Jesus. Either way, it's a pretty sweet gig.
Distance from Plasma: 0.7 miles ($.07)
Meter: 3 hours @ $1/hour ($3.00)
Let's assume I was a good citizen and didn't get a ticket for this one, shall we? =0).

3:00pm - Errands. Lots and lots of errands. I had to go to a building across campus, then the post office, then the bank, before heading home to do some more work. My T-shirt hated me a little by the time I parked for the afternoon.
Distance traveled: 2.9 miles ($.29)
Meter: 1 hour total stopping time time @ $.60/hour ($.60)

6:30pm - More errands. After doing a bunch of stuff at home, I needed to run to staples to make some copies, then back to campus for a prayer meeting before heading back home to write this blog. I lead such an exciting life, don't I?
Distance traveled: 6.8 miles ($.68)
Meter: No meters since it was after 5pm

Grand total for the day: $15.95
Grand total so far: $15.95
Left to save: $558.68

We're getting there, friends!

Happy biking


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