Sunday, October 21, 2012

Finding a New Rhythm

Hello, friends! 

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted.  I've been biking some, but the truth is that it's been a little tough to find the miles. 

When I was in the 8th grade, I had to audition for the orchestra.  I played the cello and even though I was going to be the section leader, it was important for us to be put in the right order while playing.  We had to play a scale and prepare a piece to play for about 1 minute.  Honestly, I did pretty terribly.  While I was practicing I couldn't seem to quite the the notes to do what I was supposed to do.  Just to tell you how I wasn't much of a cellist, it wasn't until I looked at the piece after my audition that I realized the problem: The song was in 3/4 and I was trying to play it in 4/4. 

I tell you this story not so I can embarrass myself but because that was the first story that came to mind as I was reflecting a how I need to find a new rhythm. 

The truth is that a lot has changed in the past few weeks.  I'm no longer living in Columbia; I live in Saint Louis.  I'm no longer single; I am married (and loving it).  The circumstances of my life are now different and that means that the things that I used to do don't always work anymore.  It means I need a new rhythm in my life. 

Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "what does this have to do with biking?"  Well, one of the big rhythm questions for me is how does Sulu fit into my new rhythm, specifically in Saint Louis, where I will be spending most of my time.  I know that I will be biking on Tuesdays and Wednesdays when I am in Columbia but I would love to find a way to get Sulu to Saint Louis so I can do some riding here.  I guess we'll just have to see how it goes. 

As for the past few weeks, it's pretty much just been a trip or two to campus.  But hey, every penny counts, right?  =0). 

Places travelled: Just back and forth to campus twice.
Distance: 8 miles ($.22)
Meters: 6 hours on campus ($6)

Total: $6.22
Saved to date: $308.60
Left to save: $274.43

Happy Biking!


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