Friday, August 17, 2012

One Stellar Week...

Hello, friends! 

This week was a banner week for Penny Peddling.  Not only was it a week where Sulu and I rode for more days than we didn't but today we also totally made us some meter money.  Allow me to break it down for you.

Tuesday: I spent 2 hours downtown donating plasma then another 5 on campus doing work. 
Wednesday: Home with a migraine... bummer.
Thursday: 7 hours on campus doing work.
Friday: I rode all over town (my mechanic, Staples, Sam's Club, downtown), spent 2 hours downtown donating plasma and another 3 on campus tabling for religious life at Mizzou. 

These are the weeks that make me believe that we still have a shot of making all this money back in a reasonable period of time.  These are the weeks that make me write this blog.  These are the weeks that make me love riding so much. 

There are few things that I enjoy more than riding my bike.  I am currently at a retreat for Mizzou ACF but I made sure to bring my bike so that I could ride tomorrow morning.  It's way more fun than running.  It's way more fun than driving in the city.  It's WAY more fun than walking everywhere.  Biking pretty much rocks.  =0). 

Here are this week's stats:
Places traveled: Plasma, campus, home, campus, then from my mechanic's to campus, to plasma, to Sam's club, to campus, then back to my mechanic's.
Distance traveled: 7.5 miles + 6.7 miles = 14.2 miles ($1.43)
Meters: 4 hours downtown ($2.40) + 15 hours on campus ($15)

Total: $18.83
Grand Total: $285.49
Left to Save: $297.54

Happy Biking!


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