Thursday, August 15, 2013

New Resolve...

Hello, friends!

If you are friends with me on Facebook, you've probably seen that I have been biking a lot these past few days.  I haven't decided yet if I am going to keep automatically updating my rides but at the very least, it's forced me to blog again, which is a good thing, right?  =0).

A few weeks ago, Megan and I moved (for me "back") to Columbia.  It was a tough move as we've built up a ton of friends and such while in St. Louis.  It was not fun leaving them all.  Still, one thing that I was very much looking forward to, besides having a house instead of an apartment, is that I would be able to start biking again!  Sulu has been lonely without me (as evidenced by all the air I needed to put in his tires when I rode him last week) and I was eager to stop spending money on gas and start saving money by biking. 

There's and old saying that when someone hasn't done something for a while but they never really forgot how to do it, they say it is "just like riding a bicycle."  I think it is something about muscle memory or something like that.  Well, getting back to biking has literall to Savey been just like riding a bicycle.  It feels so good to be back in the saddle, to pedal up and down College Ave, and to think about all the money I'm saving as I lock Sulu up to the bike rack. 

Friends, by my last count, prior to this post I had just about $244 left to save before Sulu was "paid in full."  After riding these past few days, I have a whole new resolve to get this thing done this school year.  My goal is to have made back all the money I spent buying Sulu but May 1, 2014.  I am motivated and I am ready.  Let's do this! 

Stats (since Friday):
Places traveled: Ernie's, the Plasma Spot, and campus a few times.
Distance: 18.25 miles ($1.71)
Meters: 2 hours downtown ($1.20) + 10 hours on campus ($10)

Total: $12.91
Grand Total: $351.85
Left to Save: $231.18

Happy Biking!


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