Thursday, February 26, 2015

Cabin Fever

Hello, friends!

I haven't posted on this blog in 3 weeks. Do you know why I haven't posted on this blog in 3 weeks? BECAUSE I HAVEN'T BIKED IN 3 WEEKS!!! Friends, it is seriously driving me crazy! Between my travel schedule (2 trips to Saint Louis) and the weather (one big snow that has since melted slightly and frozen multiple times, making the roads way too icy) I've been stuck walking (not terrible), carpooling (less than ideal but still good), and driving places (OH THE HORRORS!!!)

Friends, I shouldn't have to drive a quarter mile to my friend's house to watch the Oscars because the ice is all over the sidewalks. I shouldn't have to have my dreams dashed when I wake up to a high in the 30's, only to see that the overnight low was in the teens and there are death traps everywhere. I shouldn't have to wait for April before hopping on my bike again because the weather is going to be too finicky otherwise. These things shouldn't be!

So, friends, tomorrow I'm going for it. The high is supposed to be 25 but sunny. Today was sunny enough so that some of the ice on the roads actually evaporated. I have planned out my route to account for slick patches that I've already seen today. TOMORROW, WE ARE BIKING... and it is going to be glorious.

If you're a religious person, please pray for me. Oh, and pray for Megan too... she's less excited than I am about me getting out there. =0).

NOTHING. There are no stats. And it makes me sad...

Grand Total: $725
In the Positive: $121.99

Happy Biking!


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