Saturday, June 20, 2015

Of storms, hamstrings, and other things...

Hello, friends!

You thought we were gone, didn't you?! Well, you can't get rid of me that easily! Honestly, you probably forgot that I had this blog... that's ok, I kind of forgot too. Apparently it's been over 3 months since I've last posted. That's not cool, Adam... that's not cool.

What's happened in the past 3+ months? Well, there's been a lot of stuff but not a ton of biking. I suppose if I had kept better records, I'd have some fun stuff to tell you. The truth though, is that these past 3+ months have been really crazy and I haven't actually done a ton of biking or accounting. Let's run it down:

March: March saw Spring showers, a few weeks of travel, and plenty of migraines.

April: Hmm... April didn't really have much of an excuse... my bad on that one. =0).

May: WAY more travel, including being out of town for a few weeks, family visiting, and more storms.

June: It's been raining... a lot... AND, I pulled my hamstring and haven't been able to bike at all...

Ok, I guess I do have a story. Y'all know that I love me some softball. More than basketball, more than flag football, even more than curling, which is saying something, I love me some softball. I haven't played in a few years (mostly because I haven't put in the effort to get a team together) but it's always on my mind.

A few weeks ago, I was at church and I saw a friend of mine who was looking for players to play on his team about 2 years ago. I asked him if he was still playing and he said that he was and that they were always short a few guys. What luck!

So, last Monday, I laced up my cleats, put on my old, sweaty cap, and went out to the ball game. We had a double header, which meant that I was in for 2 hours of softball... good times!

Things started off well enough. I made a few plays at 3rd base and even stole home to score our first run of the game. It's like one of those riding a bike things where you never really forget how to play. We kept it close for most of the game but eventually gave up the big inning in the 6th and lost 12-6.

During the second game is where things went south. We were playing an older team that had a one or two younger guys on it. This is usually where things can get a little dicey. The older guys usually don't hit for much power but they have a knack for putting the ball where folk ain't. Especially in the outfield, it can mean a lot of running and a lot of quick reaction.

I made the comment to our captain that I may be faster than our center fielder so if he wanted to make the switch, I was ready. The call never came.

Instead, this happened. The next inning I led off with a single. The guy batting behind me poked it into right field and I'm thinking first to third all the way. As I'm rounding 2nd, I hear a "POP!" and immediately pulled up. I had pulled (probably torn) BOTH my hamstrings...

I got a pinch runner and played catcher for the rest of the game (like I was going to bench myself!) and almost 2 weeks later, my right hamstring is still tight and not all the way healed. I can walk much better but I can't run or bike yet.

Here's the best part of the story for me... It was totally worth it. Sometimes I'll play basketball with folk on Monday nights. If I had pulled my hamstring playing basketball, I would have been crazy angry. I love basketball but it isn't worth an injury. Softball on the other hand? Well, going down on the diamond is ALWAYS the way to go. =0).

Happy Biking!


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