Monday, January 30, 2012

Lights Will Guide You Home...

Hello, friends!

If you remember, I went on a bit of a hiatus over December and January.  It was because I was traveling quite a bit and away from Sulu and CoMo as a whole.  When I finally did return home, I turned on the Rolla (my car) and was very dismayed to find that the battery was on its way out.  Or, at least I thought it was on its way out.

See, when I turned on the car, I noticed that the dashboard lights looked dim.  Instead of being bright an happy, they looked like they were a little dingy and struggling to keep everything lit.  The car didn't have any trouble turning over, which was a good thing, but I was already lamenting the cost for a new battery, or perhaps something worse.

I am writing about that experience today because just today I realized that nothing is wrong with the Rolla at all.  I was on my way to bible study when I started the car and it hit me.  Everything looked just right. But how could that be?  I figured it out.  Really, it's all relative!

While I was on my hiatus, I was in California with my parents, driving around their much newer cars with fancy digital displays.  When I got back to the Rolla, it wasn't a matter of the Rolla battery dying, it was just how the Rolla has always been.  Relative to the newer cars the lights look dim and weak, but after a while, they begin to look normal.

All this was a reminder that the Rolla is no spring chicken.  It has 258,000 miles and still going strong, but it isn't going to last forever.  That's one more good reason to keep penny peddling.  Every day that I bike instead of drive is a day that I get to keep the Rolla from meeting its end. Hooray!

Places traveled since my last post: Rec, Plasma, Post office, home, campus, Subway, home, Noodles, home, Plasma, campus, bank, campus, home (oy!)
Distance traveled: 13.2 miles ($1.17)
Meters: Campus 9 hours ($9.00) + Downtown 4 hours ($2.40)

Total: $12.57
Grand Total: $115.60
Left to Save: $459.03

Happy Biking!


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