Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Out Sick...

Hello, friends!

Sorry for not posting last week.  I didn't actually get a chance to ride, so I guess it wasn't a big loss. 

Here's the thing that I've noticed  with my new schedule.  I am really tired.  I work 15 hour days or so on Tuesdays and at least 10-12 on Wednesdays.  I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if I was doing something that didn't require so much emotional energy but the truth is that working with college students requires me to stretch my "feeler" muscles and I think they are a little out of practice. 

What does this have to do with biking?  Well, things are so jam packed that it is hard to get all the miles in that I normally would.  Sometimes I just need to sleep, which means that I get fewer hours at the meters, which we all know is a big money saver.

An unfortunate trend has developed the past few weeks.  When I work 15 hour days on Tuesday, my head is in pretty dire shape on Wednesday.  Today has been no exception.  I had plans for today.  There was going to be errands run.  There were going to be things accomplished.  There were going to be miled pedaled!  Instead, I was the victim of a late start, a busted head, and now playing catch up.  I rode a bit yesterday, so there is still progress, but not as much as there could have been. 

Places traveled: campus and columbia college
Distance traveled: 3.6 miles ($.37)
Meters: 2 hours downtown ($1.20) + 2 hours on campus ($2)

Total: $3.57
Grand total: $299.98
Left to save: $283.05

Happy Biking!


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