Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ode to a Bike Mechanic...

Hello, friends! 

Guess who got his bike fixed!  That's right, this guy! 

On Tuesday, I drove back to CoMO and stopped by Walt's, my bike shop for the past 5 years.  Not only is Walt's super close to my house, but it's also where my good friend Josh works.  For as long as I've been living in Columbia, Walt's is where I've gotten my bike accessories (including Sulu), and Josh is the guy who has been making sure that I am staying safe on the road. 

Josh, and his wife Val, have been good friends of mine for as long as I can remember.  When I first moved to CoMO, they were part of my first church small group.  It's been a ton of fun playing Settlers with them, watching Val do roller derby, and eating at various cheap Columbia establishments.  Val got a sweet job in the Bay Area, which means that Josh and Val will be moving in a few months.  I'm going to miss their friendship, as well as Josh's great bike council.  I'll probably keep going to Walt's but it'll be a little different working with the other mechanics.  Thankfully, I've been going there so long, they know me by now. 

Here's to you, Josh!  Without you, Penny Peddling would be a no go and biking sure would be harder.  =0). 

Distance traveled: 4.5 miles ($.45)
Meters: 2 hours downtown ($1.20) + 3 hours on campus ($3)

Total: $4.65
Grand Total: $322.76
Left to Save: $260.27

Happy Biking!


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