Thursday, February 21, 2013


Hello, friends! 

Two years ago, Columbia was hit with one heck of a storm, affectionately named SNOWPOCALYPSE 2011.  Over the course of a few hours, 24 inches of snow fell on our fair city.  Classes were cancelled for 3 days and I got a sweet case of cabin fever. 

To commemorate Snowpocalypse, Mother Nature decided to give us another blast of frozen water goodness, this time accompanied by lightening.  That's right, friends, we had THUNDERSNOW!!!

Here was the original plan: Right around 11pm last night, snow was supposed to fall in the mid-Missouri area, gently dusting the ground overnight, and possibly a bit into tomorrow.  The early forecasts called for around 2 inches.  2 inches is certainly managable. 

Right around 10pm, things changed.  It looked like the storm front was actually going to wait to show up until 5am and really get heavy around 11am.  The forecast changed to around 6 inches.  At this point, things are getting a little dangerous but we are still all good. 

Here's what really happened.  At about 7:30am the snow began to fall lightly.  By 9am, it was coming down as a wintery mix.  By 10:30, 6 inches had already hit the ground and there weren't any signs of stopping but plenty of claps of thunder.  At around 2pm, I couldn't see my car tires because of the snow.  It's now about 4:30 and it looks like things have let up but the damage has already been done. 

Why does all this matter?  Well, yesterday Meg came to CoMO so we could teach together for ACF's Large Group.  This morning we were going to look at some houses with a realtor.  The question for us was whether we should head home after Large Group, thus cancelling our appointment, or gamble and hope that we could outrun the storm. 

Guess who gambled... =0). 

So, here we are, more or less trapped inside our house for at least the next couple of hours.  There will be no biking, or really much walking outside, until we can clear the road.  Meg already did a great job getting started on the driveway, so there's hope that we'll be able to get out of here this evening. 

Distance: 3 miles ($.31)
Meters: 2 hours on campus ($2)

Total: $2.31
Grand Total: $325.07
Left to Save: $257.96

Happy Biking!


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