Friday, September 13, 2013

Closing Time?

Hello, friends! 

Friends, I have some really bad news... sometime between 2-6pm on Wednesday, Sulu was stolen... I don't know where he is but I really want him back.  Here's what happened:

Our story actually starts on Tuesday.  The plan was for me hang out with a student @ 5, go to dinner with some other students @ 6, and then have another meeting with students @ 7.  It was going to be a tight fit but I was going to make it! 

Well, maybe not.  =0).  My 5pm was a 30 second ride from my house so I biked there with the intention of biking downtown to my 6 then back up home for my 7.  The thing was that I was meeting with a female student and my rule is that if I am meeting with a female student, we are either meeting in a public space or all the doors in the room are open.  I thought her roommate was going to be there but it turned out that she wasn't.  It was 95 degrees outside so instead of overworking her air conditioning, we decided to walk back to my place. 

After that, time just got in the way.  I wanted to leave right away so I left Sulu on the front porch and didn't lock it so I could just rock and roll.  My 5pm ran a little long and my 6pm actually got canceled but I had to pick up a student for the 7pm, which means that Sulu was left on the porch for a few hours.  Thankfully, no one took him during that time.  Unfortunately, it also means that I completely forgot that he was on the porch and not in the garage like normal. 

What we know is that Megan and I both saw Sulu @ 11am when we left the house.  What is unclear is if we was still there when we returned.  I think he was but I can't say for sure.  What I can say for sure is that at 5:45 I left for Wednesday Night Large Group.  I realized I forgot something at home so I returned @ 5:48.  When I rolled back up to the house, I saw my bike lock on the ground alongside my helmet.  Sulu was nowhere to be found. 

I have filed the police report and am hopeful that he will be returned.  But until then, I am not sure what is going to happen with me riding to campus and what is going to happen to this blog. 

Honestly, I'm not sure what bothers me more.  On the one hand, I am pissed because someone stole my bike.  Every time this happens (I've had 3 bikes stolen now, one twice), it sucks.  On the other hand, I am pissed at myself for not locking up Sulu.  It would have been so simple but I just blew it.  The blame is on me as much as it is on the jerk who took him. 

One last piece that really bothers me is that I really wanted to finish this blog.  This blog has been so much fun to write and it's been really motivating too.  I hope and pray that the bike is recovered. 

Anyway, happy biking!  Here's hoping you hear from me (and Sulu) again...


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