Friday, November 22, 2013

Lost Consequences...

Hello, friends! 

It's been a bad week for losing stuff here at La Casa Leong.  In the past week, I've misplaced a kindle, a box of pens for ACF (since found), my St. Louis Blues cap (since found), a presentation clicker we hadn't even used for ACF yet, and one of the ear buds on my headphones.  However, that isn't the worst of it.  The worst of it is that I don't know where my ear muffs are. 

You may be thinking to yourself, "self, why does he care about ear muffs?"  Well, friends.  It's cold and I like biking.  What I don't like are cold ears while I am biking.  A beanie doesn't fit well under my helmet and none of my beanies have visors so I can't block on the sun (or rain) as well with a beanie as opposed to a hat and earmuffs, like I normally do. 

All this losing stuff has brought to my attention that losing stuff may be my number one pet peeve.  Megan will tell you that this week I have not been in the best of moods and I have been randomly looking places for these lost items, hoping they will turn up somehow.  I've been told that lunacy can be defined as trying the same action over and over again but expecting a different result.  I'll tell you what.  If it wasn't in my nightstand drawer the first time I looked, there's a pretty good chance it won't be in there this time too.  =0). 

So, my friends, that's my latest biking story.  I've been biking on a dumpy bike and my ears are cold.  It's not even December and I'm already ready for Spring to be here.  Alas, back to looking! 

Distance: 6 miles ($.52)
Meters: 5 hours on campus ($5) + 2 hours downtown ($1.20)

Total: $6.72
Grand Total: $423.38
Left to Save: $159.65

Happy Biking!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Greatest Round of Golf Ever...

Hello, friends!

Monday is my day off and since I don't have a softball league this year, I decided to play golf as a way to do something athletic and spend a few hours walking with Jesus.

Let's be clear: I am a terrible golfer.  Well, I won't say that I'm the worst golfer in the world, just that I am terribly inconsistent and don't score very well.  I am at my worst 30 yards from the green and closer.  I cannot hit those shots to save my life.

Golf has taught me many lessons about life.  One of which has been to not do too much.  I used to carry a full compliment of clubs with me on my rounds but I found that I actually only know how to hit 3 or 4 of them well at all, so now those are the clubs I carry.  It ain't pretty golf but it sure is fun.  =0).

Yesterday, I golfed the greatest round of golf in my life.  I started on the back 9, holes 10-18 and shot a decent score (for me anyway) but it was on the front 9 that I really put some good holes together.  I was hitting the fairway.  I was judging distances well.  I was hitting putts!  I even learned a new shot, where I choke up on my 5-wood to hit the ball about 130 and straight.  I finished the round and was torn as to whether I should try again next week to do even better, or end the season on a high note.  I'm still trying to decide.

What does this have to do with biking?  Absolutely nothing.  I just figured that I hadn't posted all month and I needed to brag about my round.  =0).

Stats (Since Halloween)
Distance: 10 miles ($.83)
Meters: 4 hours downtown ($2.40) + 12 hours on campus ($12)

Total: $15.23
Grand Total: $416.66
Left to Save: $166.37

Happy Biking!
