Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Greatest Round of Golf Ever...

Hello, friends!

Monday is my day off and since I don't have a softball league this year, I decided to play golf as a way to do something athletic and spend a few hours walking with Jesus.

Let's be clear: I am a terrible golfer.  Well, I won't say that I'm the worst golfer in the world, just that I am terribly inconsistent and don't score very well.  I am at my worst 30 yards from the green and closer.  I cannot hit those shots to save my life.

Golf has taught me many lessons about life.  One of which has been to not do too much.  I used to carry a full compliment of clubs with me on my rounds but I found that I actually only know how to hit 3 or 4 of them well at all, so now those are the clubs I carry.  It ain't pretty golf but it sure is fun.  =0).

Yesterday, I golfed the greatest round of golf in my life.  I started on the back 9, holes 10-18 and shot a decent score (for me anyway) but it was on the front 9 that I really put some good holes together.  I was hitting the fairway.  I was judging distances well.  I was hitting putts!  I even learned a new shot, where I choke up on my 5-wood to hit the ball about 130 and straight.  I finished the round and was torn as to whether I should try again next week to do even better, or end the season on a high note.  I'm still trying to decide.

What does this have to do with biking?  Absolutely nothing.  I just figured that I hadn't posted all month and I needed to brag about my round.  =0).

Stats (Since Halloween)
Distance: 10 miles ($.83)
Meters: 4 hours downtown ($2.40) + 12 hours on campus ($12)

Total: $15.23
Grand Total: $416.66
Left to Save: $166.37

Happy Biking!


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