Thursday, February 27, 2014

Final Thoughts About the End

Hello, friends!

I have posted photos from right before The Rolla got towed on Monday. As you can probably tell from my fake smile, I was a bit of a mess and not super happy about saying goodbye. Alas, al good things must come to an end, right?

Thankfully, the weather has been dry enough for me to bike the past few days, which has helped me take my mind off the fact that we don't have the Rolla anymore.  Soon we will be looking for a new car but the timing isn't quite right just yet.

Who knows, maybe this is a blessing in disguise.  Maybe saying goodbye was the best thing.  The Rolla was definitely getting older and a blown engine actually made the decision to not repair it pretty easy.  The only remedy would have been an engine replacement, in which case it wouldn't have been the Rolla anymore. 

Either way, what's done is done.  Now it is time to look forward and get back to biking so I can save some more cash that way.  I would like to think that this blog helped the Rolla last a little bit longer.  Every mile I biked was a mile the Rolla didn't have to drive, meaning it got to spend one more day being my car.  Or rather, I got to spend one more day being its owner.

Goodbye, old friend.

Miles: 6 ($.52)
Meters: 7 hours on campus ($7.00)
New bike light: -$26.98

Total: $19.46
Grand Total: $416.97
Left to Save: $166.06

Happy biking!


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