Friday, December 13, 2013

Poor Decisions...

Hello, friends!

I'm writing this blog because my pants have finally dried.  =0).  Say what?!  Well, here's what happened.

I met with a friend of mine this morning to hang out like I always do.  My friend Bob only lives about a quarter mile from my place so I normally walk or take my bike.  Today it was cold but pretty gorgeous outside so I walked and had a great time.

The plan for the day was to go donate plasma then head to campus to do work, get in a workout, and then head home so I could get ready to babysit my same friend's little one while he and his wife went to a work party.

What I didn't anticipate was freezing rain.  I thought I had timed it well enough so that I would get to campus before it started sleeting and that I would be able to stay inside until it was time to go, in which case it would be raining lightly.  Instead, as soon as I got out from donating plasma, I saw the sleet.  One really wet ride later, here I am.

There were a number of poor decisions made here.  Let's run through them:
- Assuming I had the timing of the weather right.
- Not bringing my waterproof backpack
- Hitting snooze, causing me to start my day 10 minutes late.
- Wearing my beanie instead of a hat to protect from the rain

I'm sure there were other things I did wrong to put myself in a very wet situation but I guess that happens, right?  =0).  The important thing is that I'm getting in some hours and thus saving some money.

Stats since my last post:
Distance: 8 miles ($.65)
Meters: 4 hours downtown ($2.40) + 10 hours on campus ($10)

Total: $13.05
Grand Total: $226.43
Left to Save: $146.60

Happy Biking!


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