Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Car Shopping...

Hello, friends! 

Megan and I are currently in the throes of car buying.  This is definitely an area where I find great joy as someone who loves analysis and where Megan is less than enthusiastic on account of all the details.  There are a lot of questions to answer!  Here's what we know:

- We need something with space.  Much of our job entails hauling things and people.  As great as The Rolla was, and it was great, one thing it didn't have was a ton of space. 
- We need something with good in town mileage.  CoMO isn't a huge town and most of our driving will be in town.  We will occasionally go to St. Louis for staff functions but mostly we'll be hanging out within 10 miles of home. 
- Mileage is important but not a deal breaker.  Generally speaking, the lower the mileage, the better shape the car is in.  While we know that's important, we also know that we drive WAY less than we used to drive.  We are willing to take on a little bit of an older car if it has the other things. 
- We need something relatively cheap.  Missionaries don't exactly rake in the big bucks, y'know?  While we are certainly not in need, we also know that we need to be good stewards of what we have been given. 

Right now we are leaning towards either the Honda Fit or Toyota Prius.  We could also be talked into another vehicle in the "Compact Hatchback" category.  =0).  We'll see where the search takes us.  Until then, more biking for everyone! 

Miles: 6 ($.55)
Meters: 11 hours on campus ($11)

Total: $11.55
Grand Total: $445.22
Left to Save: $137.91

Happy Biking!


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