Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Why, Weather, Why?!

Hello, friends!

Guess what the temperature was yesterday for a high? I'll give you a hint. It was about half of what it was on Tuesday.

Yups, after 2 days of gloriously warm weather that made us think that spring was actually on its way, Mother Nature kicked us in the face with another child one, complete with wind chill, rain, and even some snow. It was not the most fun day I'd ever had biking.

Alas, this is the way things go here in the great state of Missouri. Just when you think it's safe to go outside, it gets cold. You think Weinert is in full swing and then you'll get hit with a 70 degree day. I'm not even sure if putting away or taking out my winter clothes is even worth it.

But hey, there are still chances to bike, right? That is really what I want to do. As I've said before, I can deal with the cold. It is the wet that makes things dangerous. The snow and rain melted away by the time I needed to get going so it wasn't a big hassle. I guess this is just the way it is going to be until the sweltering summer gets here. =0).

Distance: 7 miles ($.66)
Meters: 5 hours downtown ($3) + 8 hours on campus ($8)

Total: $11.66
Grand total: $433.67
Left to Save: $149.46

Happy biking!


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