Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy Anniversary!

Hello, friends! 

Apparently I only update this blog monthly.  That's a serious problem.  I promise when I get back from Cambodia I'll be biking more and posting more.  We are so close to our goal!  =0).

On a completely unrelated note, today is my parent's anniversary!  I was a bit premature and wished them a happy anniversary yesterday but I am assured that today is the actual day.  Hooray! 

Tuesday night Megan and I went on a date and while we were at one of the restaurant/bars we saw and old married couple sitting at the table behind us.  Seriously, they were way cute.  The man had a sweet handlebar mustache and the woman kept taking pictures of him like she'd just discovered that function on her iPhone. 

Mama and Papa Leong haven't quite been married that long (that couple looked like they were in their 70's) but 34 years is still a pretty long time!  During that time they've had 4 kids, had 2 more marry into the family, picked up one wonderful granddaughter, and "adopted" dozens of others into the family.  Sometimes it is a little odd hearing everyone call Mama "Mom" when I go back to California, but hey, when you have that kind of impact on so many people, it is bound to happen, yeah? 

I think these past 2 years of my own marriage have helped me appreciate the marriage that Mama and Papa have been able to maintain for so long.  Marriage is great but don't let anyone tell you that it isn't hard work.  I've seen them fight but I've also seen them reconcile.  I was there when things were tense.  Now I get to see them dating again.  There were times when money was tight and decisions had to be made.  They always chose us, the kids, over their own comforts and now that they don't have as many expenses with all of us out of the house, they still continue to model generosity and hospitality.  They follow Jesus and remind me that with Jesus is a great place to start your marriage. 

So, here's to you, Mama and Papa.  34 more years of marriage and impact sounds pretty sweet, doesn't it?  =0).

Distance: 20 miles ($1.35)
Meters: 20 hours on campus ($20) + 10 hours downtown ($12)

Total: $33.35
Grand Total: $539.76
Left to Save: $63.25

Happy Biking!


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