Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Plusses and Minuses...

Hello, friends!

Remember a few weeks ago when I said that I was going to be posting and peddling more once I get back from Cambodia? Yeah, guess what didn't happen. =0).

In some ways, that was probably to be expected. With all the new roles and such that I have now, time is of the essence and blogging unfortunately, has taken a back seat to other things that feel more pertinent at the moment. Still, as I look back on the past 2 months, I can't help but notice that having some old rhythms in place, like blogging regularly, would have been helpful. Blogging every day might be a bit out of reason but I think weekly should be able to do it.

The past 2 months of biking can be summed up by the words "plusses and minuses." On the one hand, I did a LOT of biking. As soon as I got back from Cambodia, there were a LOT of things that needed to be done on campus, which meant a lot of miles being saved and a lot of meters that did not get used because I wasn't driving. On its own, I'd say it was probably one of my most productive 2 months from a penny peddling standpoint in a long time.

On the other hand, one thing I've noticed is that the gains are small but the losses are huge. I can pick up a few dollars each day but if I blow a tire (like I did in August) the losses can set me back considerably. Alas, that is the life of a biker. We are so close to our goal of breaking even that I can almost taste it! We'll just have to keep at it and hope that the minuses don't slow me down too much.

Miles biked: 100 (roughly) ($5.94)
Meters : 90 hours on campus ($90) + 12 hours downtown ($7.20)
Repairs: -$48.10

Total: $55.04
Grand Total: $594.8
Left to Save: $8.21

Friends! We are SOOOOOOOOOO close! This is definitely something we can get done by the end of the month! Unless I buy that bike rack for the car... =0).

Happy biking!


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