Friday, August 21, 2015

Riding off into the Sunset...

Hello, friends!

A few weeks ago, I bought a new bike. Well, I bought a bike that was new to me anyway. It's a Jamis Coda. I'm not sure of the year but it rides like a dream and I've been really happy with it so far. Most of my riding has been around town but I did get to hit the MKT trail once and it did very well there.

My decision to get a used bike instead of saving up for a new one really was just one of the factors that made me decide that it's time to retire Penny Peddling. When I started this blog all those years ago, I was a single guy with only only one campus and lots of free time. Now I'm married with a kid, spending most of my working time supervising, planning, preparing, and generally not being on campus as much. Even when I do get to campus, it's actually down in Jefferson City, as opposed to Mizzou.

I started Penny Peddling because I wanted to see if blogging about my biking lifestyle would cause me to bike more, thus leading a healthier life for me as well as the planet. Over the past 4 years I have learned so much about bikes, biking, and listening to my body. I'd like to believe that I'm healthier because of all the biking and my carbon footprint is a little bit smaller because of this blog. I'm also pretty sure that the good drivers of Columbia didn't mind one more parking space being open either. =0).

Earlier today I had a conversation with a coworker of mine and we kept using Tour de France analogies becuase we're both so into cycling. I'd like to believe that this blog, in some way, allowed me to participate better in that conversation.

Of course, I'm not going to stop biking. There's a chance that I'll still write about some biking adventures on my other blog. The truth though, is I'm not biking enough, and there isn't enough time in the day, for me to maintain two blogs and do it well.

Thank you so much to all my reader(s). It's been fun sharing with you in my adventures. I've enjoyed riding through the rain with you, learning about my tolerance for pain, and the various fashion lessons that come with being a cyclist. In all, I saved probably around $750 over the course of this blog, which isn't too shabby. Maybe, just maybe, I've inspired one or two of you to go for a ride every now and then. If so, then I hope you enjoyed it.

As always, happy biking!


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Of storms, hamstrings, and other things...

Hello, friends!

You thought we were gone, didn't you?! Well, you can't get rid of me that easily! Honestly, you probably forgot that I had this blog... that's ok, I kind of forgot too. Apparently it's been over 3 months since I've last posted. That's not cool, Adam... that's not cool.

What's happened in the past 3+ months? Well, there's been a lot of stuff but not a ton of biking. I suppose if I had kept better records, I'd have some fun stuff to tell you. The truth though, is that these past 3+ months have been really crazy and I haven't actually done a ton of biking or accounting. Let's run it down:

March: March saw Spring showers, a few weeks of travel, and plenty of migraines.

April: Hmm... April didn't really have much of an excuse... my bad on that one. =0).

May: WAY more travel, including being out of town for a few weeks, family visiting, and more storms.

June: It's been raining... a lot... AND, I pulled my hamstring and haven't been able to bike at all...

Ok, I guess I do have a story. Y'all know that I love me some softball. More than basketball, more than flag football, even more than curling, which is saying something, I love me some softball. I haven't played in a few years (mostly because I haven't put in the effort to get a team together) but it's always on my mind.

A few weeks ago, I was at church and I saw a friend of mine who was looking for players to play on his team about 2 years ago. I asked him if he was still playing and he said that he was and that they were always short a few guys. What luck!

So, last Monday, I laced up my cleats, put on my old, sweaty cap, and went out to the ball game. We had a double header, which meant that I was in for 2 hours of softball... good times!

Things started off well enough. I made a few plays at 3rd base and even stole home to score our first run of the game. It's like one of those riding a bike things where you never really forget how to play. We kept it close for most of the game but eventually gave up the big inning in the 6th and lost 12-6.

During the second game is where things went south. We were playing an older team that had a one or two younger guys on it. This is usually where things can get a little dicey. The older guys usually don't hit for much power but they have a knack for putting the ball where folk ain't. Especially in the outfield, it can mean a lot of running and a lot of quick reaction.

I made the comment to our captain that I may be faster than our center fielder so if he wanted to make the switch, I was ready. The call never came.

Instead, this happened. The next inning I led off with a single. The guy batting behind me poked it into right field and I'm thinking first to third all the way. As I'm rounding 2nd, I hear a "POP!" and immediately pulled up. I had pulled (probably torn) BOTH my hamstrings...

I got a pinch runner and played catcher for the rest of the game (like I was going to bench myself!) and almost 2 weeks later, my right hamstring is still tight and not all the way healed. I can walk much better but I can't run or bike yet.

Here's the best part of the story for me... It was totally worth it. Sometimes I'll play basketball with folk on Monday nights. If I had pulled my hamstring playing basketball, I would have been crazy angry. I love basketball but it isn't worth an injury. Softball on the other hand? Well, going down on the diamond is ALWAYS the way to go. =0).

Happy Biking!


Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Big Gamble...

Hello, friends!

A few days ago I posted about the cabin fever I'd been experiencing since I hadn't biked in what seemed like forever. I said that I was going to take a gamble and go for a ride last Friday, hoping for the best. Well, I thought it would be good for me to give y'all an update about my ride and how everything went!

Honestly, it couldn't have gone better. It was a gamble that definitely paid off in a big way. Not only did I get to ride but I also probably won't get to ride for a while yet.

I hit the road around 11 so I could make it to a meeting downtown. It was chilly (12 but felt like 2) but with all my layers and half of a commute instead of a full campus commute, it was pretty easy. The wind wasn't biting at all either, which is always a plus.

My lunch meeting was great, then it was off to campus for a few hours of work and working out. By then, things had warmed up a bit more (I think it was around 20 by that point) so I was feeling pretty good. I did my stuff on campus, made it home by 5 before it got dark and colder, and called it a huge success.

Here's my favorite part about the whole thing. Saturday morning it started snowing and kept snowing all through Sunday morning. Since then, it's been the same game of slightly thawing then freezing again. These past few days have definitely not been bike friendly. I'm out of town for a conference right now so I don't know how the roads look at the moment but says that we aren't going to be above freezing again until the weekend, which means there's a chance I wouldn't get to bike again until sometime in mid-March, which would have been just about 6 weeks of no biking. That, my friends, would have been unacceptable. =0).

Distance: 3 miles ($.17)
Meters: 6 hours ($6)

Total: $6.17
Grand Total: $731.17
In the Positive: $127.16

Happy Biking!


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Cabin Fever

Hello, friends!

I haven't posted on this blog in 3 weeks. Do you know why I haven't posted on this blog in 3 weeks? BECAUSE I HAVEN'T BIKED IN 3 WEEKS!!! Friends, it is seriously driving me crazy! Between my travel schedule (2 trips to Saint Louis) and the weather (one big snow that has since melted slightly and frozen multiple times, making the roads way too icy) I've been stuck walking (not terrible), carpooling (less than ideal but still good), and driving places (OH THE HORRORS!!!)

Friends, I shouldn't have to drive a quarter mile to my friend's house to watch the Oscars because the ice is all over the sidewalks. I shouldn't have to have my dreams dashed when I wake up to a high in the 30's, only to see that the overnight low was in the teens and there are death traps everywhere. I shouldn't have to wait for April before hopping on my bike again because the weather is going to be too finicky otherwise. These things shouldn't be!

So, friends, tomorrow I'm going for it. The high is supposed to be 25 but sunny. Today was sunny enough so that some of the ice on the roads actually evaporated. I have planned out my route to account for slick patches that I've already seen today. TOMORROW, WE ARE BIKING... and it is going to be glorious.

If you're a religious person, please pray for me. Oh, and pray for Megan too... she's less excited than I am about me getting out there. =0).

NOTHING. There are no stats. And it makes me sad...

Grand Total: $725
In the Positive: $121.99

Happy Biking!


Friday, February 6, 2015

After The Thaw...

Hello, friends!

So, apparently, this post from a few weeks ago (February 6) was never posted! I guess it's better late than never, right? Enjoy me talking about ice for 6 paragraphs. =0).

One thing that I've said over and over again is that I can do cold but I don't do wet. If it's 4 degrees outside but it's dry, I'll try biking. If it's raining, snowing, or has any sort of "wintery mix" then it doesn't matter how warm it is. I don't have the balance or good enough of a bike for me to brave that terrain.

What makes things a little odder are weeks like the one that we're having here in Columbia right now. Today the high will be about 50. Yesterday it was in the teens all day. The day before that there was snow but it stayed around 32 so there wasn't much accumulation. Tuesday was relatively nice with a high in the mid 30's. Monday was BITTER cold. Sunday we had a wintery mix storm in the evening. It was like they say: if you don't like the weather in (insert your state name here so long as it isn't California, Arizona, or Florida), wait a few minutes because it will change. =0).

Days like yesterday are easy ones to decide to not bike. There was snow on the ground. Much of it melted as soon as it hit the ground, turning it into water. The overnight low got nowhere near 32 degrees, so all the water turned into ice. Ice and bikes don't go together well. Ergo, no biking.

However, days like today are a little bit tougher to decipher. The temperature is up so I don't have to worry about ice for the most part but I do have worry about slick roads (on account of all the melted ice) and if there are any patches of ice under shade (Like by the side of my house) then the ice may not be all the way thawed yet. It can still be a 50-50 proposition as to whether or not it's a good idea to go biking or not on a day like this.

So what does a guy like me do? I bike. =0). Of course I bike! I may go a little bit slower and make sure that I'm only hitting dry spots but you'd better believe that I'm going for a ride if I can. I have too much fun riding. I can always use the exercise. I also need to keep this blog going so I can buy a new bike. There are too many reasons for me to NOT bike when the ice is off the ground.

I made it to campus today with no problems. My plan is to leave this afternoon so I can beat the evening freeze (another reason why biking in this weather isn't a slam dunk) making it the perfect crime. Here's to good tread on my tires and fully protective fenders to keep me from getting wet!

Miles: 6 miles ($.25)
Meters: 13 hours ($13)

Total: ($13.25)
Grand Total: $725.00
In the Positive: 721.99 

Happy Biking!


Saturday, January 31, 2015

Cycling Fashion... or lack there of...

Hello, friends!

A few weeks ago I posted about how I don't care about looking ridiculous when it comes to biking because I need to stay warm and dry more than anything. At the time, I was really only concerned with my clothing. A few days ago, I realized that the same principles also apply to my head/hair when it comes to biking. Here's what went down.

I was biking back from campus when I decided to stop by my bike shop to ask a few questions about a new bike I'd heard about (more on that later). I hung out with the folk at the shop for while then started on my way home. As I was about to put my helmet back on my head, I saw my reflection in the window and the photo below is what I saw...

Let me break it down for you. When it's cold, I wear a ski mask type thing so that my face doesn't get frozen. It's super warm and I love it. It's made of fleece which means it can get a little statc-y. What you see is the how my head looks when I take off my helmet.

Here's what happened next. I walked back into the store and said to my friend who works there, "Hey, why didn't you tell me my hair looked like this while we were talking?!" His answer was priceless.

"Dude, this is a bike shop. Everyone's hair looks like that. I didn't even notice." =0).

This is what I love about biking. There's a certain fraternity of bikers. We get why folk have their right pant leg rolled up to their knee. No one blinks when someone walks in looking like they're working on a Don King impression. Cycling fashion is just a different beast and I love it.

Distance: 9 miles ($.35)
Meters: 15 hours ($15)

Total: $15.35
Grand Total: $711.75 (Past $700! Hooray!)
In the Positive: $108.74 (Past $100! Hooray again!)

Happy Biking!


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

New Meters!

Hello, friends!

With the beginning of the new year, comes new laws in the city that don't directly affect bikers but definitely affect this blog.

Starting 2 weeks ago, there have been 2 major changes:
- Meters downtown have now been changed to $1/hour to match meters on campus
- Meters downtown are now active until 7pm, which is 2 hours later from last year.

On the one hand, this doesn't really affect bikers like me. I don't pay meters (thus, the reason for this blog) so how much they cost or how long they go don't actually affect me directly.

HOWEVER, this entire blog is based on the money that I save because I bike and don't drive either on campus or downtown. That means that when the meters go for later and are more expensive, I actually save more money by biking and not driving. Which means, we get that much closer to our goal of saving another $600 that much faster. Hooray!

There's also the chance that the increase in meter rates means that more people will try biking. The weather has been relatively mild and dry, which may mean that more people are willing to brave the elements and pedal a bit. If that's the case, then I may see some increased traffic around town. It shouldn't affect me too much but I'll definitely be sure to keep wearing my helmet. (Safety is no accident!). 

Below you'll see a change in the stats. I've stopped making a distinction between meters downtown and meters on campus. It's all just the same rate now so we'll count it as such. Here's to some great biking!

Distance: 9 miles ($.32)
Meters: 12 hours ($12)

Total: $12.32
Grand Total: $696.40
In the Positive: $93.39

Happy Biking!
