Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Always dress for the second mile...

Hello, friends! 

Today was a momentous occassion!  After weeks of oversleeping on Tuesday mornings, today I was finally able to bike to my church small group!  I promise you, this is no small feat! 

While I don't attend this church on Sundays, I have been plugged in with the Efree church out here and their Systematic Theology small group that meet Tuesday morning.  Systematic Theology is essentially trying to break down what the word says about a bunch of different topics, from Sin to Grace.  As an Armenian Egalitarian, I am often of the minority opinion during our discussions, which makes for a lively morning.  =0).

The thing about this group is that because everyone else in the group has a regular 9-5 job as well as a family to take care of, early mornings is the only time we can meet.  So, 6:15 it is! 

It takes me a little under 25 minutes to bike to Efree, which means I had to leave today around a quarter to 6.  At this point, the sun was geting ready to rise, but it hadn't yet, and the temperature was in the high 40's.  My problem was that I knew that by 7:30 when our group got out, the sun would be out and the temperature would be pushing 60.  Add to that the fact that when I bike I get warm, and there was a conundrum. 

How do I dress for this ride?  It wil be cold and dark when I leave but warm and sunny when I return.  My body will be freezing when I first start to pedal, but those hills will make me heat up in a hurry.  At this point, I decided to follow some wise advice someone sometime once told me.  Always dress for the second mile. 

There really isn't anything worse than being way too hot while on a bike.  It's no fun.  When I'm too cold it isn't a barrel of laughs either, but at least then I can pedal faster to heat up and actually get somewhere sooner.  If I need to cool down, I end up late.  Add to that the fact that no one wants to talk theology sitting next to a sweatball, and we have ourselves a winner! 

So, there you have it.  Dress for the second mile.  It's better, I promise.  =0).

Today's stats:
Places traveled: Efree and campus
Distance traveled: 13.0 miles ($1.12)
Meters: 6 hours on campus ($6)

Total for the day: $7.12
Grand Total thus far: $84.14
Left to save: $498.51

Happy Biking!


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