Tuesday, October 25, 2011

You Can't Carry a Ladder on a Bike...

Hello, friends! 

Interesting thing that I learned yesterday: apparently, you can't carry a ladder on a bike.  Allow me to explain. 

Yesterday, I needed to get on my roof so I could hook up my new TV antennae to the top of my house, thus allowing me to get better reception, thus allowing me to watch Fox, thus allowing me to see my Cardinals in the World Series.  Here's the problem.  The roof is way up there, and I am way down here!  What is the solution?  Why, a ladder, of course!  I don't have a ladder, but my friend and neighbor Bob does! 

Bob and his lovely wife Meredith are two of the most hospitable people I know.  We met when we used to go to the same church together here in Columbia.  After that church shut down (sad, I know, right?!) we still hung out, playing softball in the Spring/Summer and watching football in the Fall/Winter.  Bob's house is almost always the meeting point for our group of friends because it is the biggest and they are always cool with us coming over.  When I bought my house in 2009, one of the big selling points was that I was only a quarter mile from Bob's place!

So, I called Bob and he said Meredith was home and that I could definitely use their ladder.  I was about to bike over to Bob's place when I had a revelation: I can't carry a ladder on a bike!  Unfortunately, I had to walk over to Bob's then walk back with the ladder.  It was only a quarter mile, but I sure would have liked to have biked it instead of walked it. 

This experience got me thinking.  What are some of the other things you can't do on a bike?  I thought of a few things, but then I started getting defiant and thought of ways that I COULD do those things.  After all, this is the guy who carried a grill to campus with his bike. 

What are your thoughts?  What are things that I can't do on a bike!  Put your suggestions in the comments below, and maybe I'll try them out, just to see what happens!  =0). 

Stats since the last post:

Places traveled: Plasma, Parkade, and Campus a few times.
Distance traveled: 10.2 miles ($.91)
Meters: 3 hours on campus ($3)

Total: $3.91
Grand Total: $88.03
Left to save: $494.60

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