Tuesday, November 8, 2011

To Fender, or Not to Fender... THAT is the question!

Hello, friends! 
Sorry it has been a bit since I have posted.  Apparently when I am not constantly reminded that I have been riding Sulu, I forget to post about it.  I'll try to do better.  (Hmm, doesn't that sound familiar...).

It's raining today.  It rained yesterday.  There's a chance that it will rain tomorrow.  This brings up a very interesting question that I need to consider.  Should I throw down the money for some fenders? 

Yesterday, even though it was raining, I decided to bike to Staples to get some copies done.  It was a light rain so I figured it wouldn't be too dangerous.  I got to campus ok from a safety standpoint, but from a fashion standpoint, things were looking bleak.  My pants and backpack were definitely splattered with rain and mud from Sulu's tires.  I'm not the most fashion conscious guy in the world (Meg will tell you the same) but from a business standpoint, it seems to me like it is more likely folk will take me seriously if I don't look like I need a hot shower and some wet wipes.

So, I have 3 options.  The first option is to get over myself, save the $, and just deal with the rain... and the snow when it comes... and the rain again in the Spring...  The second option is for me to buy some fenders for Sulu.  My friend Josh says that they'll run me about $30, which isn't terrible, just more than I'd like to spend given that the whole idea of me biking everywhere is so that I can save money... My third option is to buy one of these.  It still won't solve the problem of my pants getting muddy, but I sure would look cool, wouldn't I?!  =0). 

Here are yesterday's stats:
Places traveled: Staples, Bengals for Monday Night Football
Distance traveled:  7.0 miles ($.64)
Meters: None

Total for the day: $.64
Grand Total: $88.67
Left to Save: $493.96

Happy biking!


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