Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hurts So Good...

Hello, friends! 
Today, I am mighty sore.  It is probably the sorest I have been in a long time.  Why?  Because on Tuesday I got to play flag football for the first time in years.  Allow me to break it down for you. 

Back in the day, one of my favorite things to do in the whole wide world was play flag football.  ACF (Asian Christian Fellowship) had a team and I was the captain and quarterback.  We had speed in Darryl Toma.  Quickness in Victor Lin and Alex Lo.  My protection was provided by Henry Tsay.  Peter Chieng and Kirk Lin were my always sure handed safety valves.  We weren't the best team in the league, having never won "the shirt," but boy did we have fun.  My first two years at Mizzou I organized a scrimmage between WashU and Mizzou.  I even played for the mens and coed team and helped coach for a bit.  But, as things got busier, my time grew limited, and my passion for flag football had to be put on hold. 

Fast forward to a few weeks ago.  I was talking to Dane, the captain, quarterback, and all-star of Mizzou's AAA (Asian American Association) flag football team.  I asked him how the team was going and he said it was a little frustrating because they had to forfeit a game due to lack of players.  I told him, if he ever needed a sub, let me know and I'd do what I could.  Guess what happened on Tuesday?  AAA needed a sub and I was in. 

Understand, friends, that I am not in the same kind of shape that I was back in college.  I am a few steps slower, a few pounds heavier, and a few years older than I was back then.  But, since I have been biking more and training for the triathlons, I would consider myself in pretty solid shape.  I played center, got a few blocks in, caught a few passes, played safety on defense, had a few tackles, and we won in a laugher 33-6.  I played a solid 40 minutes of football (two, twenty-minute halves) and it felt great to be out there again.  I even got an invite to play on the coed team on Sunday. 

So why am I so sore today?  I was talking to one of my students about it at lunch today and he made an interesting point that I had not considered before.  He reminded me that in football, it is the constant starting and stopping that gets to you.  I thought back on the game and he was absolutely right.  What I did on Tuesday was pretty much a series of sprints.  I sprinted to block downfield.  I sprinted to run my routes.  I sprinted to make the tackle.  I was constantly starting and stopping.  I was also using muscles I hadn't used in a while.  Biking, swimming, and running are one thing, but it takes a whole different set of muscles to play football.  Some are the places where I am hurting now I would not be hurting if I just did 40 minutes on the bike or in the pool. 

Would I do it again?  In a heartbeat.  In fact, I plan on playing again on Sunday night.  =0). 

Distance Traveled: 6 miles ($.57)
Meters: 9.5 hours on campus ($9.50)

Total: $10.07
Grand Total: $153.09
Left to Save: $421.54

Happy Biking!


Friday, February 24, 2012

Rest for the Weary....

Hello, friends! 
Ever heard of the Sabbath?  Probably.  I like to call it the "forgotten commandment."  Most of us know parts of the Ten Commandments.  We don't steal, lie, or commit adultery (or at least we try not to).  We even do our best to honor our parents.  But too often, in our workaholic society, we neglect to take proper rest.  We keep going, keep going, keep going, and never even think about stopping.  We live in a 24-7 news cycle and I don't see that coming to and end anytime soon.  One of the things that I appreciate so much about my job is that my supervisor and coworkers actually encourage and keep me accountable to taking a regular day of rest. 

I think that regula rest is a good thing, not just because it is commanded, but because it is good for us too.  This is why we take vacations.  This is why we look forward to the weekend.  This is also why we have so much stress in our lives and nervous breakdowns are all too common today. 

What does this have to do with penny peddling?  Well, Wednesday, I decided to take a day of bicycle rest.  Instead of biking to campus and around town, I drove the Rolla.  It actually felt kind of nice.  There's something about being able to listen to the radio while traveling and getting places a little bit quicker. 

Don't get me wrong, I am still absolutely biking everywhere that I can.  I just think it's a good idea every once in a while to not feel like I HAVE to bike everywhere just for the sake of saving a few dollars.  Besides, maybe Sulu doesn't mind the rest every now and then.  =0). 

Places traveled: Pretty much back and forth to campus with a few stops and Subway and the plasma place. 
Distance traveled: 6 miles ($.55)
Meters: 12 hours on campus ($12) + 5 hours downtown ($3)

Total: $15.55
Grand Total: $143.02
Left to Save: $431.61

Happy Biking! 


Friday, February 17, 2012

2 Weeks in Review

Hello, friends!

Has it really been 2 weeks since I posted last?  Man, that is rough.  Apologies to all of you. 

When I realized that it had been 2 weeks since my last post, I thought to myself, "self, why has it taken so long for you to post?"  The answer was actually a little disheartening: I haven't been riding much and I'm a little bit boring. 

The stats for the past 2 weeks will look as follows: I went to campus and back 7 times for about 20 hours worth of meter time.  The most exciting thing that happened to me during that time was my bike light ran out of battery about halfway through one trip home and by hitting it a few times I was able to bring it back to life.  These past few weeks have been pretty chill.  I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that I think there's a reason as to why I wasn't super motivated to post. 

I wonder why that could be.  Maybe my legs are tired from all that biking I did for my camping trip.  I was sick for a few days so I wasn't able to bike at all.  I'm sure that had something to do with it.  Maybe I need to ride to more exciting places or have more adventures...

Yes!  That must be it!  You, fair reader, are the first to witness my biking renaissance.  I will be in Saint Louis this weekend, but when I return, I resolve to bike more and to do more fun things while I bike.  Maybe I'll take some photos!  Maybe I'll get in a wreck.  Maybe I'll come to the harsh realization that there really isn't anything exciting to do out here in Columbia.  Either way, stay tuned, because there will be posts! 

Places traveled: Campus... a lot
Distance: 14 miles.  (Do you really need to see the map?  I didn't think so).  ($1.28)
Meters: 20 hours on campus ($20)

Total: $21.28
Grand Total: $148.75
Left to Save: $425.88

Happy Biking!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Biking in the dark...

Hello, friends!

A few days ago I decided to go camping.  Random, I know, right?  It had been forever since I'd done anything close to camping (ok, maybe 8 months, but it still felt like a long time) and I had a free night so I figured I would go for it. 

One of the things that I love about CoMo is that it is very bike friendly and is actually very close to other bike friendly venues.  There is a sweet trail about 9 miles from CoMo called the Katy Trail that pretty much follows the Missouri river all the way to Saint Charles.  There's also a trail from CoMo called the MKT Trail that leads right to the Katy Trail.  Pretty convenient, right? 

There was one flaw in my plan, and that was that it is still winter.  In fact, we're just about in the middle of winter.  While it hasn't been super cold, there's always the chance for weather to make things crazy.  The weather report said that Thursday (the day I left) was going to be clear, but that Friday was probably going to have rain.  I may be an Eagle Scout, but if there's a way for me to avoid getting rained on, I am all about it.

I biked out to Easley, MO, which is about 15 miles from CoMo, and it was a pretty easy ride.  The one thing that was a little rough was that I left about an hour later than I wanted so I was biking in the dark.  The harder part was getting up at 5 in the morning and biking back the 15 miles after not enough sleep so I would beat the rain (I beat it).  The camp site was nice and the weather was cool but not cold with just a slight wind.  Honestly, I would totally do that again and just add a few days to the trip. 

What's the moral of the story?  Biking + Camping = Awesome. 

Places traveled: Walt's, campus, Walt's, home, Easley, home, plasma, campus, home
Distance: 41.4 miles ($3.67)
Meters: 6 hours on campus ($6) + 2 hours downtown ($1.20)

Total: $11.87
Grand Total: $127.47
Left to Save: $447.16

Happy Biking!
