Friday, February 24, 2012

Rest for the Weary....

Hello, friends! 
Ever heard of the Sabbath?  Probably.  I like to call it the "forgotten commandment."  Most of us know parts of the Ten Commandments.  We don't steal, lie, or commit adultery (or at least we try not to).  We even do our best to honor our parents.  But too often, in our workaholic society, we neglect to take proper rest.  We keep going, keep going, keep going, and never even think about stopping.  We live in a 24-7 news cycle and I don't see that coming to and end anytime soon.  One of the things that I appreciate so much about my job is that my supervisor and coworkers actually encourage and keep me accountable to taking a regular day of rest. 

I think that regula rest is a good thing, not just because it is commanded, but because it is good for us too.  This is why we take vacations.  This is why we look forward to the weekend.  This is also why we have so much stress in our lives and nervous breakdowns are all too common today. 

What does this have to do with penny peddling?  Well, Wednesday, I decided to take a day of bicycle rest.  Instead of biking to campus and around town, I drove the Rolla.  It actually felt kind of nice.  There's something about being able to listen to the radio while traveling and getting places a little bit quicker. 

Don't get me wrong, I am still absolutely biking everywhere that I can.  I just think it's a good idea every once in a while to not feel like I HAVE to bike everywhere just for the sake of saving a few dollars.  Besides, maybe Sulu doesn't mind the rest every now and then.  =0). 

Places traveled: Pretty much back and forth to campus with a few stops and Subway and the plasma place. 
Distance traveled: 6 miles ($.55)
Meters: 12 hours on campus ($12) + 5 hours downtown ($3)

Total: $15.55
Grand Total: $143.02
Left to Save: $431.61

Happy Biking! 


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