Friday, February 17, 2012

2 Weeks in Review

Hello, friends!

Has it really been 2 weeks since I posted last?  Man, that is rough.  Apologies to all of you. 

When I realized that it had been 2 weeks since my last post, I thought to myself, "self, why has it taken so long for you to post?"  The answer was actually a little disheartening: I haven't been riding much and I'm a little bit boring. 

The stats for the past 2 weeks will look as follows: I went to campus and back 7 times for about 20 hours worth of meter time.  The most exciting thing that happened to me during that time was my bike light ran out of battery about halfway through one trip home and by hitting it a few times I was able to bring it back to life.  These past few weeks have been pretty chill.  I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that I think there's a reason as to why I wasn't super motivated to post. 

I wonder why that could be.  Maybe my legs are tired from all that biking I did for my camping trip.  I was sick for a few days so I wasn't able to bike at all.  I'm sure that had something to do with it.  Maybe I need to ride to more exciting places or have more adventures...

Yes!  That must be it!  You, fair reader, are the first to witness my biking renaissance.  I will be in Saint Louis this weekend, but when I return, I resolve to bike more and to do more fun things while I bike.  Maybe I'll take some photos!  Maybe I'll get in a wreck.  Maybe I'll come to the harsh realization that there really isn't anything exciting to do out here in Columbia.  Either way, stay tuned, because there will be posts! 

Places traveled: Campus... a lot
Distance: 14 miles.  (Do you really need to see the map?  I didn't think so).  ($1.28)
Meters: 20 hours on campus ($20)

Total: $21.28
Grand Total: $148.75
Left to Save: $425.88

Happy Biking!


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