Friday, March 16, 2012

Doppleganger Alert!!!

Hello, friends! 

I found my twin!  Well, sort of... I actually found Sulu's twin.  It's not quite the same, but still pretty cool. 

Actually, my guess is that there are several Sulu's around campus.  I have seen one that was locked up by the student center as well as Memorial Union.  I have also seen one by the rec and by a few classrooms.  Apparently it's a pretty popular bike! 

However, there is one very important difference I have found.  On all the other Sulu wannabes, the bell is on the LEFT side.  Sulu's bell is definitely on the right (and by right, I mean RIGHT) side.  =0). 

Well, I am on my way to Saint Louis for the weekend.  I'm going to a Kelly Clarkson concert tonight.  Woot! 

The Stats:
Places Traveled: Campus a few times with a few errands here and there. 
Distance Traveled: 3.5 miles ($.36)
Meters: 2 hours downtown ($1.20) + 7 hours on campus ($7)

Total: $8.56
Grand Total: $172.32
Left to Save: $402.31

Happy Biking!


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