Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cloudy With A Chance of Driving...

Hello, friends! 
There's an interesting thing about weather reports.  For some reason, reading weather reports make me forget everything I know about statistics, which is a little sad, seeing as how I spent much of my college career being a stastics minor. 

Stastics and probability are pretty simple.  From a percentages standpoint, if something is under 50%, then it is not likely to happen.  If it is over 50%, chances are it is going to happen.  This means, in theory, if there is a 30% chance of rain, 7 of 10 times the weather conditions will NOT lead to rain. 

But that's not how my brain works.  If it's a 30% chance of rain, I am seriously planning on driving instead of biking.  If it's 40%, I'm pretty sure that I'll be driving.  50% and it's a practically a guarantee. 

What is it about weather reports?  All my learning goes out the window when I look out the window and see clouds. 

New resolution: I'm biking unless there is legit chance (+50%) of rain.  Let's do this!  =0). 

Places Traveled: Just back and forth from Campus with a stop at Plasma
Distances Traveled: 4.0 miles ($.43)
Meters: 2 hours downtown ($1.20) + 5 hours on campus ($5)

Total: $6.63
Grand Total: $178.95
Left to Save: $395.68

Happy Biking!


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