Monday, April 30, 2012

Lessons from the year...

Hello, friends!
It has been FOREVER since I last posted.  My apologies.  I have been traveling the world these past 3 weeks with no opportunties to bike.  Thus, the blog has laid dormant.  We are coming up on the end of the school year, which means that soon I will be out of opportunties to pedal in earnest for a bit.  So, I figured I would throw down a few lessons that I learned from the past 8 months of biking.

1) Miles mean nothing.  METERS are how you make the big bucks.  In CoMo, the cheapest meter you are going to find is $.60/hour.  Given my current calculations, I would have to bike a little over 6 miles, or 1.5 trips to campus in order to get to $.60, which is great exercise, but it doesn't do much for my job.  Definitely the more efficient thing to do is to park Sulu behind the student center for 8 hours (at $1/hour) and let the pennies add up.  =0). 

2) Biking in the rain isn't the worst thing in the world.  I think the best investment that I made this year was getting fenders for Sulu.  Before, even if it wasn't raining, biking after a rain sucked because of all the puddles and such.  Now, it's actually somewhat pleasant.  That was definitely money well spent. 

3) Blogging keeps me honest.  Thanks to you, my faithful reader(s), I have much more motivation to ride than I did before.  There is a certain accountability that comes from knowing that I get to write about my "adventures" and that I also have a goal in mind.  So thanks! 

Ultimately, these past few months of riding have been great.  I am glad that I started, and am looking for many more miles (and pennies) to come! 

Places: Campus, Jingo's, Campus, Plasma, back to Campus, Bengals, and home. 
Distance traveled: 11.4 miles ($1.14)
Meters: 2 hours on campus ($2) + 2 hours downtown ($1.20) + 2 more hours on campus ($2)

Total: $6.34
Grand Total: $217.18
Left to Save: $360.42

Happy Biking! 


Friday, April 6, 2012

The Front End of Daylight Savings...

Hello, friends! 
It's been a few weeks since Daylight Savings began and most of the US was thrust forward into the future one glorious hour.  From my understanding, Daylight Savings was started back in the day as a way to keeping down energy costs.  I'm note entirely sure of the logic, but I think it has something to do with business hours and keeping stuff running during particular times.  Either way, we've moved ahead one hour and it is getting darker much later in the day. 

However, the front end of that means that it is also getting lighter later in the day.  Since I have been out of town and not on my bike for a while, this wasn't a big deal.  But, this morning I went to work out early in the morning and I realized how dark it still was outside.  What is the deal?! 

From my understanding of the earth spinning on its axis, as well as observation from the past 27 years of existence, the days are going to get longer on both means, meaning that more time will be added on the front end and the back end of the day, but it was still a bit of a shock to bike out in the dark this morning.  I guess that's my fault for trying to get an early start on the day.  =0). 

Places traveled: Campus, Plasma, Campus a few more times, downtown for lunch, and campus again.
Distance traveled: 21.4 miles ($3.04)
Meters: 17 hours on campus ($17) + 6 hours downtown ($7.20)

Total: $27.24
Grand Total: $210.84
Left to Save: $366.76

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Sunday Joy Ride...

Hello, friends! 
After a fun Spring Break without Sulu, I returned on Sunday, ready to come back and get back to riding daily.  I had the chance to use a stationary bike every now and then, so I still got some pedaling in, but I wasn't really going anywhere so I can't count those as real miles. 

When I returned on Sunday, I was back home getting some work done when my roommate called and asked if I wanted to go out to dinner when he got back from Ohio.  I was totally in and waited for him to come home.  When he got back, he had a great idea.  Why don't we bike to the restaurant instead of drive?!

So, we biked.  It was only a 5 minute ride, but it was totally worth it.  Getting back on Sulu and pedaling again was seriously a rush.  After a week gone, it felt good to get back to it.  This next week is going to be full of riding, I can tell you that! 

Places traveled: Jingo's and campus.
Distance traveled: 5.4 miles ($.45)
Meters: 3 hours on campus ($3) + 2 hours downtown ($1.20)

Total: $4.65
Grand Total: $183.60
Left to Save: $391.03

Happy Biking!
