Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sleepless @ 35,000 Feet...

Hello, friends!

I am currently writing this post while on a plane back to sunny, beautiful, but not oppressively hot, Southern California.  I will be hanging out in Cali until July 10, seeing family, visiting with old friends, and doing a little fundraising.  I am very much looking forward to it.
The reason I am writing to you while in the air (I won't actually post this until I touch down for lack of free internet on the plane) is because I can't sleep, which is rare for me and unfortunate.  See, I get some solid motion sickness so I have conditioned my body to fall asleep as soon as my butt hits the chair and my seatbelt is fastened.  It doesn't matter the time of the flight or how tired I am, once my tray is locked unto the upright position and my carry-on is stowed, I am out like a light.

Well, usually.  Sometimes something goes wrong.  Since I have some time, I thought I would share with you the top 3 sleep blockers, in order or annoyance.

Coming in at Number 3 is an oldie bit a goodie: crying babies.  Sometimes it is their first time flying.  Sometimes they have motion sickness like me or are sick or hungry.  Whatever the case, they are loud and depending on proximity, can disrupt even the best of naps.  The reason that the young ones are number 3 on my list is because I know they can't help it..  They are babies.  I can't hold their crying against them when they don't even have the body control to not wet themselves.  So, babies get a pass.

Number 2 is a different story.  I call this friend the talking rowmate.  You know the type.  This is the person who, bless his soul, wants to make a new friend, and since you are going to be right next to each other for the next few hours, it may as well be you!  Normally having a conversation with someone wouldn't be a big deal for me but on a plane is a different story.  My hat is covering my eyes.  My seat is reclined.  I have taken off my glasses.  What has two thumbs and probably isn't in much of a mood to talk.  That's right, "This guy".  However, these folk are just trying to be friendly and I can appreciate that.  Under normal circumstances this would be great.  So, the rowmate is not the worst.

And then there was one.  Our final contestant is actually the reason I am posting right now (and probably why this post sounds like a cranky rant).  Congratulations, Loud Conversationalist Behind Me, you win!  Look, I am sure that your conversation is very important.  Outlining exactly what you do for a living in excruciating detail, talking about the last 3 books you read, or explaining why you are "so over" the guy who just broke up with you is top notch stuff.  No one is saying you have to be quiet.  But, if you would keep it to a level so that the entire plane doesn't have to hear about your "killer margarita" recipe, it would be much appreciated.

Places traveled: Bengals a few times, campus a few times, and once to the plasma center.
Distance traveled: 6.9 miles ($.62)
Meters: 3 hours on campus ($3) + 3 hours downtown ($1.80)

Total: $5.42
Grand Total: $257.02
Left to Save: $320.53

Happy biking!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Kinda Getting Older...

Hello, friends! 

Sometimes in life there are moments when you realize that you are not as young as you used to be.  There are times when you come to the conclusion that your body can't do the things that it used to be able to do.  Today was one of those days. 

Today, I tried playing basketball.  Actually, I didn't play too badly.  We played one game of "21" and 2 games of "2 vs. 3."  I won our game of 21 and won the game of 2 vs. 3 when I was part of the 3.  Except for the last game when I missed everything, my jump shot has gotten better and I even had a few nice drives to the basket for some layups.  My passes were mostly spot on too.  If you look at it, my basketball game has actually gotten BETTER since high school, when all I had was a baby hook and a jump shot that looked like a knuckleball. 

Except in one area.  I have no endurance anymore.  We hadn't played for more than 15 minutes before I had my hands on my hips and was panting like a dog.  Normally I pride myself on my defense and rebounds but today I couldn't seem to stick with anyone or box anybody out.  We ended up playing for about an hour and a half and I was pretty gassed for most of it.  I re-aggrivated a tendon in my foot and was playing a little bit gimp, but that doesn't change the fact that my conditioning isn't what it used to be. 

I'm not saying that I'm a marathon runner, or ever have been, but things were never this bad.  I competed in a triathlon just last year.  I used to run 3-5 miles without much trouble.  I once held my breath for 2 minutes and 30 seconds.  I used to at least be an athlete. 

But it seems like not so much anymore.  If the most exercise I get in a day is riding my bike to campus then something is wrong.  If my idea of cardio is golf (I love it, but it isn't exactly the most strenuous of activities), then maybe I am not putting in the work I used to.  Something needs to change. 

101 days from now I will be married (crazy, righ?!).  For the next 100 days, I am going into hardcore "get back into shape" mode.  I'm not going to hurt myself trying to go too fast too fast like in previous times, but I am going to eat better and try to get myself back to where I ought to be health wise.  It won't be perfect.  My trip to California is still going to consist of eating a lot of delicious things that are bad for me but I only get to eat once or twice a year.  But, so long as I know that now, I can plan accordingly. 

Who knows how much biking I am going to get done these next few weeks and months.  It may be a ton, it may be just a little.  But, it won't be all.  Let's do this! 

Places Traveled: Plasma, Campus, and Home.
Distance Traveled: 4.0 miles ($.38)
Meters: 2 hours downtown ($1.20) + 5 hours on campus ($5)

Total: $6.58
Grand Total: $251.65
Left to Save: $325.95

Happy Biking!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Hello, friends!

You know what?  Biking during the summer is hard work!  It's hot.  It's humid.  I have to bring 2 shirts because the first one gets all sweaty.  Is it fun?  Absolutely!  Am I saving money by not driving?  You betcha!  But, it's hard work.  I guess I am earning my pennies, eh?  =0). 

Places traveled: Doctor's Office, Home, Campus, Bengals, Post Office, Home, Campus, Plasma, Back to Campus, and finally Home. 
Distance traveled: 10.9 miles ($.97)
Meters: 7 hours on campus ($7) + 2 hours downtown ($1.20)

Total: $9.17
Grand Total: $245.07
Left to Save: $332.53

Happy Biking!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I probably need to post more often...

Hello, friends!

One month later, we are back to it!  Guess who got to ride a little bit yesterday?!  That's right, this guy!

For those of you who may not know, I am living in Saint Louis 5 days a week.  I am getting married in September (hooray!) but still have stuff to do on campus at Mizzou, so I will be commuting a few days a week back to Columbia.  What I haven't figured out yet is how all my biking is going to play into this. 

See, as it stands, right now I have no reason to bike in Saint Louis.  My current apartment is about 15 miles from Meg's place and I don't do a ton down there, so I don't have huge incentive to bring my bike over.  Added to that, there is more free more free parking in Saint Louis (or at least the places I go) than in CoMo, so I wouldn't be able to save a ton on meters, which we know is where the money is.

However, I can still save myself a few dollars a week with my 2 days in CoMo, so long as I spend time on campus (which I should be doing anyway)...

Fear not, dear reader, we'll keep peddling and keep posting until we have reached our goal.  Huzzah!

Places traveled: Just to campus and back
Distance: 4 miles ($.36)
Meters: 5 hours on campus ($5)

Total: $5.36
Grand Total: $235.90
Left to save: $341.70

Happy Biking!
