Saturday, December 22, 2012

Miles, Miles, Miles...

Hello, friends! 

I think I mentioned this in my last post but I decided to bring Sulu back with me to Saint Louis so that there would be a chance to ride around instead of leaving him in CoMO and guaranteeing that I wouldn't get any rides in for the rest of 2012.  This past week, I definitely picked up some mileage.  Whether or not it was a good idea or not is another question.  =0). 

Monday, Meg and I went to the chiropractor together down in Clayton.  From there, she had to go back up north while I had to go down south for a few meetings.  The question before us was how were we going to do this?  Would she drop me off down south then come pick me up later?  Would we go back home so I could grab my car and come back down south?  Wolud we take 2 cars?  No, my friends, there would be biking.  We strapped Sulu to the back of the Rolla, drove down to the chiropractor, and when we were done, I biked south to my meetings and Meg drove up north to hers.  At the end of the day, I hopped back on Sulu and biked my way back up north.  So what if it was sub-40 degrees with a cold drizzle?  I biked and it felt really good. 

Tuesday, I had a meeting down on the loop for lunch and Meg was going to be down on the loop later in the afternoon and we were going to dinner with some friends down south in the evening.  How would we make that work?  We could take 2 cars if we wanted but that would make me sad.  It wouldn't make any sense for us to do a dropoff and pickup situation.  Friends, this is where Sulu comes to the rescue again!  I biked down to the loop, had my meetings, did a bunch of admin, Meg drove down for her meeting, I tossed Sulu in the back of her car, and we rode together to dinner with friends. 

Meg and I have talked about what would happen if we went down to 1 car and whether or not we thought we could do it.  This year, since I have to commute to CoMO every week that isn't a possibility, but it does seem like there are some possibilities. 

Places traveled: From the chiropractor to Seamus McDaniel's, then from Starbucks to home.  Then from Home to the Loop.
Distance traveled: 4.3 miles + 11.2 miles + 7.4 miles = 22.9 miles ($1.87)
Meters: Oddly enough, no meters here.  Everywhere I went had parking.

Total: $1.87
Grand Total: $315.14
Left to Save: $267.89

Happy Biking!


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