Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!!

Hello, friends! 

Today, depending on who you ask, is either Halloween, All Hallow's Eve, All Saint's Day, Reformation Day, or Thursday.  Either way, it's raining and Megan and I have a bunch of stuff we want to give away to kids.  =0). 

I was thinking about it today and I realized that I have a kind of up and down history with Halloween.  From what I can tell, we used to be all about it but then the family kind of waned from it.  But then we got back into it.  And then we weren't.  And here we are.  Here's a brief history:

0-4: As far as I know, there are no photos of me being dressed up in funny costumes as a baby so I am going to assume that isn't the case. 

5-8: I believe this was the time in elementary school when we had the Halloween parade.  All the grades would walk around the playground while their parents took photos.  I don't remember what I was for most of the years but it must not have been very memorable.  Well, that's not true.  One time I think I was a clown (this was pre-my discovery that they are evil) and one year I think I wrapped myself in bandages and called myself "injured."  Good times. 

9-11: For a few years our church did a "Harvest Night," which apparently is pretty popular around these parts in Columbia.  I've always been torn about these.  I think they are actually great opportunities to keep kids safe and also outreach to the local community.  On the other hand, it also has the potential to be an insular kind of thing.  Either way, I think we did those until for a while, which was fine. 

12-13: This would be the years where I was too cool to dress up but still wanted candy.  It was a rough time.  My friends and I still hit the streets but now that I think about it, we weren't much more than a street gang.  Our favorite spots were the ones where folk just left the bowls outside and said "take one."  Guess who usually took more than one.  =0). 

After that, I'm not sure that I did anything for Halloween more than 3 or 4 times in the last 15 years or so.  Maybe I did, maybe I didn't.  Either way, it stopped being a big deal for me.  I'm not opposed to it or anything.  I just don't like spending money on costumes I suppose. 

But, of course, don't let me rain on your parade!  Enjoy dressing up!  Have fun eating boatloads of candy and getting spooked at haunted houses.  As for me, I'll just be biking in the fall weather, happy that it isn't too hot and waiting for the snow to fall. 

Distance: 6.5 miles ($.51)
Meters: 2 hours downtown ($1.20) + 10 hours on campus ($10)

Total: $11.71
Grand Total: $401.43
Left to Save: $181.60

Happy Biking!


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