Thursday, November 13, 2014

Function Over Form...

Hello, friends!

As I'm typing this, it is about 27 degrees here in Columbia. Yesterday the high was 33. Today we had some flurries in the area. Tomorrow isn't supposed to be much warmer. The weather forecasters say that the cold snap will last at least until next week. After that, who knows.

My post here isn't to complain about the weather. I know that it's much worse in parts further north of CoMO; there's already been snow where my in-laws live. Weather happens and complaining about it doesn't actually do me a ton of good. If anything, it just makes things a little bit colder. No, friends, today I'm going to post about fashion... or rather, my lack thereof.

There are many things that I do well. I am good at trivia and Tecmo Superbowl. I can strategize and throw a baseball. I can play a few instruments and have been known to cook a decent meal or two. However, it appears as though I am unable to dress myself in a way that brings honor to my family. =0).

I've always said that my problem isn't that I don't know what looks good. I know how to clean up, put on a tie, and look nice for a wedding. My problem is that I have no idea what looks bad. There have been a number of times where I've gotten dressed for the day, only to have one family member or another (nowadays that task falls to Megan) start laughing and asking if I was, "really going to wear that."

What does my lack of fashion sense have to do with biking? Well, I think the root of the problem is that oftentimes, I choose function over form. Let's take today for example. Today, when I left for campus, it was 19 degrees outside. When I got dressed this morning, my thoughts weren't, "gee, I hope everything looks good and I don't look odd." My number one thought was, "Let's make sure I don't lose any body parts due to frostbite today."

Leggings + Long socks = making my pants look 2 sizes tighter than they really are? Check.

Jacket + Sweater = doing my best "Hans and Franz" impression? Check.

Balaclava on my head so you can only see my eyes and I look like I'm going to rob a liquor store? Check.

You probably get the idea.

Friends, if you see me biking around the city these next few months, looking like a thrift store closet threw up on me, or see me on the golf course wearing loud (but I promise, comfortable) clothing, don't laugh. Don't stare and point. Don't call my mother and tell her she did a terrible job of raising me (because she's the best!). No, friends. Just assume that there's some method to my madness and that looking good just missed the cut. =0).

Miles biked: 8 ($.42)
Meters: 11 hours on campus ($11) + 2 hours downtown ($1.20)

Total: $12.62
Grand Total: $644.71
In the Positive: $41.70

Happy Biking!


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