Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Joys of Donating My Laptop

Hello, friends!

Happy 2015 to you. Here's hoping that 2015 kicks 2014's butt in every possible way. I know that I'm ready for a new year. =0).

I was thinking about the past year and all the biking I did and didn't do over the course of the year. One thought that came to mind was how much more biking I did after I donated my laptop in the Fall.

Let me set the stage for you. In early 2014 I bought a new tablet and spent most of the year getting used to its usage, essentially trying to see if I could use it to replace my laptop, which was functional but heavy and kind of cumbersome. From a biking standpoint, a chance to replace my 7lb laptop with a less than 1lb tablet was might enticing.

Honestly, things were going well but not perfectly. The truth is that a tablet is not the same as a laptop. I could do most of the things that I wanted to do but not everything. The hardest was definitely using office products like Word, Excel, etc. Tablets are good but the experience isn't as easy as a regular computer. As I used the tablet more and more, I got more and more comfortable with the functionality of it but not 100% then.

Then, right before the semester started, a coworker was asking around to see if anyone had an old laptop they would be willing to donate to one of the interns he was supervising. This was my chance. I was getting used to the tablet but could I wean myself completely off of the laptop. How would I survive?

Well, I finally decided to donate the laptop and I figured out how I was going to survive: by biking more. =0).

My solution was simple: now that I don't have a laptop, I have to bike to campus to use the free campus computers more. Before I could have an "admin" day at home and just stayed glued to my couch while doing work (and watching cartoons). Now, if I want to be REALLY productive, it means biking to campus and hanging out a few hours there. That means more miles biked and more meters saved. It was an unforeseen benefit but one I definitely don't mind.

Ironically, these past few weeks I haven't biked much at all because of travel and such. Still, once the semester starts, I'm sure we'll be right back to it.

Miles: 9 miles ($.34)
Hours: 9 hours on campus ($9)

Total: $9.34
Grand Total: $678.27
In the Positive: $75.26

Happy Biking!


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