Sunday, August 28, 2011

Biking for the joy of it...

Hello, friends!

Here's one of the joys of a new, well functioning bike... I actually enjoy riding it!  With my old bike, I rode it around from point A to point B because I didn't want to drive, but that was pretty much it.  I didn't get much joy from the frame that was too tall for me, the tires that were too fat for the road, and the constant clicking that came from the gears setting and resetting. 

But yesterday, yesterday was a joy.  I had a little bit of time before my date so I went to a park in Saint Louis and just starting peddling.  I brought my journal, my bible, and my water; everything I could possibly need to spend some time enjoying nature and God's creation.  I didn't ride too hard or too far, only about 30 minutes worth, but it was still so much fun! 

I was in Saint Louis, so I didn't get a chance to bike anywhere that I would have driven.  Thus, monetarily, the stats don't change.  But boy, from a "good for my soul" standpoint, yesterday was a total winner! 

Grand Total for the day: $0
Grand Total so far: $31.25
Left to save: $543.38

Happy Biking!


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