Sunday, August 28, 2011

08-28-11 Just Call Me Usain Bolt...

Hello, friends!

What do the world's fastest man and I have in common?  We were both very disappointed today by false starts.

In case you hadn't heard, Usain Bolt was disqualified from the World Championships in South Korea because of the new "zero tolerance" policy in place.  It used to be, you were given one false start before you were disqualified.  Not so now, and Bolt was unable to defend his world title.  You can read more about it here.

So, what does that have to do with me?  Well, this afternoon my plan was to bike to church for the quarterly leadership meeting.  I was actually super excited about the trip, not only because it was a beautiful afternoon to bike, but because it's almost 5 miles to church and I was going to be saving some good cashage!  Honestly, this was also a dry run for me to see how hard the trip is.  Because, if it's not to bad of a trip, I may be making it on Sunday mornings instead of driving to church.

Google Maps said it was going to take 28 minutes to get from my place to church, so I figured that if I left 35 minutes early, I should make it in plenty of time.  I take Sulu/Jordy out of the garage, start to peddle, get about 7 minutes out, and then I realize... I FORGOT MY HELMET!

Now, if we were talking about a quick trip to campus I may have considered biking the rest of the way and praying for the best.  But, I was going to be going 5 miles on some heavily trafficked areas, so there was no way I was going to risk it.  So, I biked back to the house, hopped into my car, and got to church with 3 minutes to spare.

All that is to say, I didn't save any cash today.  We'll try again tomorrow.  =0).

Happy Biking!


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