Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Biking and White Privilege...

Hello, friends!

I'm sure you've seen a lot of things about race in the news lately. I've even written a few things myself about what's been happening in St. Louis, New York, and really all over the country. Of course, I'm by no means an expert about American race relations. I'm just a Chinese guy with a bike.

A few weeks ago, this post made its rounds through the Facebook cycle about biking and white privilege. The author even wrote a follow up post to address many of the comments that folk posted underneath his post. While not perfect (no analogy is) I really resonated with the idea of being a biker in a driver's world. It led to a really great Facebook conversation with some folk about the idea of white privilege and personal responsibility which led to my blog post from last week. The blog itself is very well written so I won't add too much more to it beyond some personal experiences.

When Megan and I got married in 2012, we spent our first year living in St. Louis. I would commute to Columbia weekly but spent most of my time in St. Louis. It was there that I saw how much legislation and the system can improve or inhibit cycling (and then, using the analogy, how legislation and the system can improve or inhibit race relations).

St. Louis is one of my favorite cities in the world but it is NOT a bike friendly city. There are very few bike lanes, the sidewalks are not well kept, and generally, the drivers are not the most observant when it comes to noticing their 2-wheeled road sharers. Not every place in St. Louis is bad and there have been improvements made over time. I'm sure that it's better than it was before. Still, the fact remains that St. Louis is not a bike friendly place to live.

Compare that with Portland, which is definitely the most bike-friendly city in the US. Portland has bike racks everywhere for parking (even at the airport apparently!). There are bike specific traffic signals. As one author put it, it is impossible to run for mayor in Portland without a bike platform. It's by no means perfect. It's still easier to be a car in Portland than a bike. But from what I can tell, bikes are a part of the culture and the cars are aware of their presence. The system has put things in place in order to create a safe environment for those who have an inherent disadvantage.

Friends, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done both in terms of systematic injustice towards minorities and making cities more bike-friendly. Obviously, the former is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than the latter. Still, if we can make life easier for those who have the option of getting off their bike and getting into a car, can't we fight just as hard for those who have no choice but to always be a minority?

Miles biked: 17 ($.82)
Meters: 21 hours on campus ($21) + 4 hours downtown ($2.40)

Total: $24.22
Grand Total: $668.93
In the Positive: $65.92

Happy Biking!


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Function Over Form...

Hello, friends!

As I'm typing this, it is about 27 degrees here in Columbia. Yesterday the high was 33. Today we had some flurries in the area. Tomorrow isn't supposed to be much warmer. The weather forecasters say that the cold snap will last at least until next week. After that, who knows.

My post here isn't to complain about the weather. I know that it's much worse in parts further north of CoMO; there's already been snow where my in-laws live. Weather happens and complaining about it doesn't actually do me a ton of good. If anything, it just makes things a little bit colder. No, friends, today I'm going to post about fashion... or rather, my lack thereof.

There are many things that I do well. I am good at trivia and Tecmo Superbowl. I can strategize and throw a baseball. I can play a few instruments and have been known to cook a decent meal or two. However, it appears as though I am unable to dress myself in a way that brings honor to my family. =0).

I've always said that my problem isn't that I don't know what looks good. I know how to clean up, put on a tie, and look nice for a wedding. My problem is that I have no idea what looks bad. There have been a number of times where I've gotten dressed for the day, only to have one family member or another (nowadays that task falls to Megan) start laughing and asking if I was, "really going to wear that."

What does my lack of fashion sense have to do with biking? Well, I think the root of the problem is that oftentimes, I choose function over form. Let's take today for example. Today, when I left for campus, it was 19 degrees outside. When I got dressed this morning, my thoughts weren't, "gee, I hope everything looks good and I don't look odd." My number one thought was, "Let's make sure I don't lose any body parts due to frostbite today."

Leggings + Long socks = making my pants look 2 sizes tighter than they really are? Check.

Jacket + Sweater = doing my best "Hans and Franz" impression? Check.

Balaclava on my head so you can only see my eyes and I look like I'm going to rob a liquor store? Check.

You probably get the idea.

Friends, if you see me biking around the city these next few months, looking like a thrift store closet threw up on me, or see me on the golf course wearing loud (but I promise, comfortable) clothing, don't laugh. Don't stare and point. Don't call my mother and tell her she did a terrible job of raising me (because she's the best!). No, friends. Just assume that there's some method to my madness and that looking good just missed the cut. =0).

Miles biked: 8 ($.42)
Meters: 11 hours on campus ($11) + 2 hours downtown ($1.20)

Total: $12.62
Grand Total: $644.71
In the Positive: $41.70

Happy Biking!


Friday, November 7, 2014


Hello, friends!

Apparently, my 101st post on this blog was my last blog where we finally made our way into the positive. That's kind of a fun number, isn't it? If I raise $600 every 100 posts then I really ought to be posting more often, yeah? Anyway, back to business.

I've taken up a new hobby... fishing. =0).

For our anniversary, Megan bought me a fishing pole, which is pretty much the greatest thing ever. There are a number of small lakes in Columbia that are stocked by the Missouri Department of Conservation and random and secret times. Seeing as how I have an addictive personality, I've taken to going as fishing as much as humanly possible. I've even looked up sites on how the moon can affect when is the best time to fish.

There are so many great things to love about fishing. First there's the joy of catching fish (more on that later). There's also the peacefulness that comes from being out on the lake with nothing but your pole, some lures, and hope that the fish are biting. I've taken to listening to audiobooks while fishing, which means I'm also learning while I'm fishing. It's a two-fer!

Really, there are only 2 things wrong with my new hobby. The first is that I haven't yet figured out how to bike with my pole and gear and such to where I want to fish (That's why this post is on this blog and not my other one). I'm not a huge fan of driving such short distances (it's about a half mile from my house to the closest lake) but the other option is crashing my bike and breaking my fishing pole, so I guess I'll go with the lesser or two evils.

Here's the other problem. Apparently, I'm REALLY BAD at fishing. I can't seem to catch anything of significance! The past 3 or 4 times that I've been fishing, I've literally SEEN the fish nibble at my lure then swim away. It was windy so I couldn't tell for sure but I'm pretty sure I heard some of the fish laughing at me.

Of course, the fish that I HAVE caught haven't been much either. Below are 3 photos of fish. Guess which two I caught and which one Megan and I ended up eating because the guy who caught it didn't want it. I'll give you a hint, I didn't catch the big one. =0).

So, my friends, there you have it. I have a new hobby. I'm trying to figure out how to reconcile it with fishing. I'm also trying to figure out how to not be terrible at it.

Distance: 10.5 miles ($.61)
Meters: 11 hours on campus ($11) + 3 hours downtown ($1.80)

Total: $13.41
Grand Total: $632.09
In the Positive: $29.08

Happy Biking!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Hello, friends!


After 3+ years of riding, blogging, and commuting back and forth between home and campus, we have finally crossed the threshold and are now in the positive!

I can't tell you how happy I am right now. Actually, right now there are a lot of emotions happening.

- Happiness: It's always nice to accomplish a goal and I'm glad I stuck with it.
- Relief: There were times when I wasn't sure that this was actually going to happen, especially after Sulu got stolen a while back. I'm glad I stuck with it.
- Sadness: Speaking of Sulu, I miss that bike. It was my fault that he got stolen but that doesn't make it hurt any less. We should have celebrated this moment together.
- Frustration: Looking back, I know I could have done it faster. There were days when I could have riden more or gotten to campus earlier. The competitor in me says that it could have been done better.
- Determination: The frustration, of course, leads to determination. I'm not getting a new bike until I've biked enough to offset the costs. I'm thinking about $600 or so should do the trick.

So, my friends, it's time for a new adventure. I hope that you join me on this one as we race our way to a new bike? Who thinks I can get it done before 2017? =0).

Miles biked: 15 ($.88)
Meters: 20 hours on campus ($20) + 5 hours downtown ($3)

Total: $23.88
Grand Total: $618.68
Left to Save for Sulu: 0000000000000000000.0000000000000000000000 =0).

In the positive: $15.67

Happy Biking!


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Plusses and Minuses...

Hello, friends!

Remember a few weeks ago when I said that I was going to be posting and peddling more once I get back from Cambodia? Yeah, guess what didn't happen. =0).

In some ways, that was probably to be expected. With all the new roles and such that I have now, time is of the essence and blogging unfortunately, has taken a back seat to other things that feel more pertinent at the moment. Still, as I look back on the past 2 months, I can't help but notice that having some old rhythms in place, like blogging regularly, would have been helpful. Blogging every day might be a bit out of reason but I think weekly should be able to do it.

The past 2 months of biking can be summed up by the words "plusses and minuses." On the one hand, I did a LOT of biking. As soon as I got back from Cambodia, there were a LOT of things that needed to be done on campus, which meant a lot of miles being saved and a lot of meters that did not get used because I wasn't driving. On its own, I'd say it was probably one of my most productive 2 months from a penny peddling standpoint in a long time.

On the other hand, one thing I've noticed is that the gains are small but the losses are huge. I can pick up a few dollars each day but if I blow a tire (like I did in August) the losses can set me back considerably. Alas, that is the life of a biker. We are so close to our goal of breaking even that I can almost taste it! We'll just have to keep at it and hope that the minuses don't slow me down too much.

Miles biked: 100 (roughly) ($5.94)
Meters : 90 hours on campus ($90) + 12 hours downtown ($7.20)
Repairs: -$48.10

Total: $55.04
Grand Total: $594.8
Left to Save: $8.21

Friends! We are SOOOOOOOOOO close! This is definitely something we can get done by the end of the month! Unless I buy that bike rack for the car... =0).

Happy biking!


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy Anniversary!

Hello, friends! 

Apparently I only update this blog monthly.  That's a serious problem.  I promise when I get back from Cambodia I'll be biking more and posting more.  We are so close to our goal!  =0).

On a completely unrelated note, today is my parent's anniversary!  I was a bit premature and wished them a happy anniversary yesterday but I am assured that today is the actual day.  Hooray! 

Tuesday night Megan and I went on a date and while we were at one of the restaurant/bars we saw and old married couple sitting at the table behind us.  Seriously, they were way cute.  The man had a sweet handlebar mustache and the woman kept taking pictures of him like she'd just discovered that function on her iPhone. 

Mama and Papa Leong haven't quite been married that long (that couple looked like they were in their 70's) but 34 years is still a pretty long time!  During that time they've had 4 kids, had 2 more marry into the family, picked up one wonderful granddaughter, and "adopted" dozens of others into the family.  Sometimes it is a little odd hearing everyone call Mama "Mom" when I go back to California, but hey, when you have that kind of impact on so many people, it is bound to happen, yeah? 

I think these past 2 years of my own marriage have helped me appreciate the marriage that Mama and Papa have been able to maintain for so long.  Marriage is great but don't let anyone tell you that it isn't hard work.  I've seen them fight but I've also seen them reconcile.  I was there when things were tense.  Now I get to see them dating again.  There were times when money was tight and decisions had to be made.  They always chose us, the kids, over their own comforts and now that they don't have as many expenses with all of us out of the house, they still continue to model generosity and hospitality.  They follow Jesus and remind me that with Jesus is a great place to start your marriage. 

So, here's to you, Mama and Papa.  34 more years of marriage and impact sounds pretty sweet, doesn't it?  =0).

Distance: 20 miles ($1.35)
Meters: 20 hours on campus ($20) + 10 hours downtown ($12)

Total: $33.35
Grand Total: $539.76
Left to Save: $63.25

Happy Biking!


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Meter Madness!

Hello, friends! 

Yesterday I got hosed.  No excuses, just my own mistake.  Here's what went down. 

I was running a ton of errands around town getting ready for Megan's parents to come and visit.  One of the places I needed to hit was the grocery store.  The other was the copy and print place. 

The plan made perfect sense in my mind.  I had a lunch meeting with a student out by the grocery store so I would stop there, pick up the groceries, get the copies done, and make my way to the my other meeting with a student on campus.  Of course, things didn't quite go as planned.  Lunch took a little bit longer than anticipated and grocery shopping took longer than anticipated such that I didn't have time to make the copies before my meeting on campus. 

So we get to the copy place and I realize 2 things: 1) I don't know if there are any coins in the car and 2) I'm pretty sure I bought milk.  The conclusion was simple.  I needed to make copies REALLY quickly. 

Friends, I was quick, like 7 minutes quick.  But, I wasn't quick enough apparently.  When I got out of the copy place, there was a little yellow envelope waiting for me.  Parking tickets are the WORST! 

What's the moral of the story?  I suppose it could be that I should always keep some coins in my pocket.  Maybe the lesson is that I need to always shop for groceries last.  Perhaps the great piece of wisdom I have gleaned is that no matter what, always take the time to look for coins. 

No, I think the moral of this story is simple.  Biking is way better, all the time.  =0). 

Distance: 8 miles ($.57)
Meters: 4 hours downtown ($2.40) + 12 hours on campus ($12.00)
Ticket: -$10

Total: $4.97
Grand Total: $506.41
Left to Save: $96.60

Happy Biking!


Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Hello, friends!

Today, May 14, 2014, I did something that I had not done in quite a long time... I wore gloves on my ride to campus. The temperature when I left was 49 degrees and there was enough of a wind to make it feel much cooler than that. For reasons unbeknownst to me, the weather has decided that being in the 80's was no fun anymore and that it was time to start acting like autumn again.

Here's the thing. I don't even mind the cold. I prefer the cold to the wet, especially when it comes to biking. In fact, biking in the low 50's or high 40's can be downright pleasant since I don't have to worry about being all sweaty and nasty when I arrive at my destination  A slight breeze can be a great thing too, when it's going in the right direction.

What I can't handle is the inconsistency. For one, my head doesn't agree with it. All the changes in barometric pressure mess with my head and I am not a fan of the migraines I get. I also don't like stepping outside then having to go back inside because I am not wearing warm enough clothing.  I suppose those are the joys of living in Missouri. They say that if you don't like the weather here you can wait 10 minutes because it will change. I'm sure that other states have the same saying but it sure does seem true here.

Anyway, so long as it stays dry (at least on days when I am biking) I will do my best to make sure that I keep complaining to a minimum. I'm sure in just a few weeks I will be posting again about how hot it is and how I sure wouldn't mind some cooler weather. =0).

Distance: 10 miles ($.71)
Meters: 9.5 hours on campus ($9.50) + 3 hours downtown ($1.80)

Total: 12.01
Grand Total: $501.44
Left to Save: $101.57

Happy biking!


Friday, May 9, 2014

The Month That Was

Holy cow!!!

It's pretty bad that the last time I posted was over a month ago.  There's really no excuse for it.  Well, I mean I guess there was some of an excuse.  Let's run it down, shall we? 

The Weather: They say that April Showers bring May flowers.  Well, there were plenty of showers this April, usually on days when I needed to go to campus.  I'll bike in the cold but I'm not up for doing wet too often, as it is much more dangerous.  So, when the rains come, it means that Schmeevus gets a little more time on the road and my bike doesn't. 

My Head: Here's another thing that April Showers bring... migraines.  There's nothing quite like waking up in the morning with a pounding headache and knowing that it's going to rain because every time it's going to rain you wake up with a pounding headache.  Some of the April storms this year have been really weird where they don't dump all at once but take their time coming through for 15 minutes then waiting an hour.  Those are days when I pretty much hate life.  It's tough to bike when you can't stand up without getting dizzy, that's for sure. 

Time Away: Of course, none of that actually matters if you aren't in Columbia to do stuff on campus anyway.  This month saw a fair amount of travel with trips to Saint Louis a few times and even a trip to Iowa for a day.  The little times all add up.  Remember, a day in the car is a day not on the bike.  I love the car but I prefer days on the bike. 

So, friends, there you have it.  I won't pretend that I haven't been riding at all.  I've actually had a few good days in the past few weeks but they have been sporadic at best.  Now that the school year is over we'll see what we can throw together.  Here's hoping we can keep peddling! 

Distance: 15 miles ($1.06)
Meters: 20 hours on campus ($20) + 3 hours downtown ($1.80)

Total: $22.86
Grand Total: $489.43
Left to Save: $113.70

Happy Biking!


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A New Addition to the Family!

Hello, friends! 

Just in case you were hoping to click on this link to see a blog post about how Megan is pregnant, Happy April Fool's Day to you!  =0).  As an offer of peace, please watch this video...

Ok, seriously, there IS a new addition to the family.  After 10 years of faithful service, we decided to trade in Megan's Malibu for a new car. 

Meet Schmeevus the Prius! 

We were looking at the Prius for a few different reasons, which I outlined in a previous post here.  The reason that we bought Schmeevus is simple: It was available and we got a good deal. 

Our first stop was actually to look at a Honda Fit (another contestant in the running) but literally as we walked into the dealership, walking out was the gal who just bought the Fit we wanted.  Alas, it wasn't meant to be. 

The second stop was to look at the Prius.  We drove it.  We loved it.  We went to dinner and prayed about it a little.  We decided to go for it.  We made an offer.  They accepted.  On Saturday we made the trade. 

I feel pretty good about the trade.  I negotiated $3000 off the asking price, which wasn't too bad in my book.  Better than that, we have a car that we both like and we plan on driving for a long time to come. 

All the things we've read about the Prius appear to be true.  It's not the world's most fun car to drive but the MPG is pretty incredible and it does everything we want it to do. 

One thing that will have to change are my calculations.  Now that we are driving a WAY efficient car, my calculations for how much money I'm saving now have to move from 36mpg (with The Rolla) to 50mpg with Schmeevus. 

Miles: 5 ($.35)
Meters: 1 hour on campus ($1)

Total: $1.35
Grand Total: $466.57
Left to Save: $136.56

Happy Biking!


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Car Shopping...

Hello, friends! 

Megan and I are currently in the throes of car buying.  This is definitely an area where I find great joy as someone who loves analysis and where Megan is less than enthusiastic on account of all the details.  There are a lot of questions to answer!  Here's what we know:

- We need something with space.  Much of our job entails hauling things and people.  As great as The Rolla was, and it was great, one thing it didn't have was a ton of space. 
- We need something with good in town mileage.  CoMO isn't a huge town and most of our driving will be in town.  We will occasionally go to St. Louis for staff functions but mostly we'll be hanging out within 10 miles of home. 
- Mileage is important but not a deal breaker.  Generally speaking, the lower the mileage, the better shape the car is in.  While we know that's important, we also know that we drive WAY less than we used to drive.  We are willing to take on a little bit of an older car if it has the other things. 
- We need something relatively cheap.  Missionaries don't exactly rake in the big bucks, y'know?  While we are certainly not in need, we also know that we need to be good stewards of what we have been given. 

Right now we are leaning towards either the Honda Fit or Toyota Prius.  We could also be talked into another vehicle in the "Compact Hatchback" category.  =0).  We'll see where the search takes us.  Until then, more biking for everyone! 

Miles: 6 ($.55)
Meters: 11 hours on campus ($11)

Total: $11.55
Grand Total: $445.22
Left to Save: $137.91

Happy Biking!


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Why, Weather, Why?!

Hello, friends!

Guess what the temperature was yesterday for a high? I'll give you a hint. It was about half of what it was on Tuesday.

Yups, after 2 days of gloriously warm weather that made us think that spring was actually on its way, Mother Nature kicked us in the face with another child one, complete with wind chill, rain, and even some snow. It was not the most fun day I'd ever had biking.

Alas, this is the way things go here in the great state of Missouri. Just when you think it's safe to go outside, it gets cold. You think Weinert is in full swing and then you'll get hit with a 70 degree day. I'm not even sure if putting away or taking out my winter clothes is even worth it.

But hey, there are still chances to bike, right? That is really what I want to do. As I've said before, I can deal with the cold. It is the wet that makes things dangerous. The snow and rain melted away by the time I needed to get going so it wasn't a big hassle. I guess this is just the way it is going to be until the sweltering summer gets here. =0).

Distance: 7 miles ($.66)
Meters: 5 hours downtown ($3) + 8 hours on campus ($8)

Total: $11.66
Grand total: $433.67
Left to Save: $149.46

Happy biking!


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Making the One Car Thing Work

Hello, friends! 

Like I'd mentioned a few weeks ago, the Rolla died a glorious death and has gone off to that racetrack in the sky.  The wind will always be at its back I'm sure but I certainly won't be the one gently easing down on the accelerator.  (I've been told that I drive too carefully for someone of my age.  I respond that The Rolla was getting 41mpg by me driving this way so folk could drive their own gas guzzlers however they want).  Until we get a new car, that means we are down to 1 car for a bit, which was part of the plan anyway. 

Honestly, I'm kind of glad that we were able to get a test run at doing the 1 car thing before we actually made the jump.  It's given Megan and me a chance to see if this is what we really want to do.  In some ways it has been easier than we anticipated.  In other ways, it's been a little tougher. 

For the most part, Megan and I have been doing just fine.  We go a lot of places together, in which case you only need one car.  Our schedules are also compatible enough that there are very few conflicts.  For example, on Tuesday mornings, my small group meets @ 6 and hers meets @ 9.  I take the car to small group, bring it home, and she is out the door a few minutes later.  It works out really well. 

There are some situations that have proven to be a little more difficult however.  Pretty much it is Wednesday night, when ACF has Large Group.  Megan has been in charge of the cooking (since she is an AMAZING cook) with students which means going grocery shopping and getting there early to start cooking.  Since I have been doing the teaching, my preference is to come a bit later so I can do final preparations before I move on to hanging out with students.  Unfortunately, given the cold and such these past few weeks, I have been unable to bike to Large Group, meaning I have had to run over there early with Megan and try to find a happy place. 

It isn't the end of the world and overall, I'm actually finding that it's working about as well as we could expect.  A nice added bonus is that I have been walking and biking more since I don't always have a car, which is great for the bottom line as well as for my waist-line.  =0). 

Distance: 8 miles ($.74)
Meters: 3 hours on campus ($3) + 2 hours downtown ($1.20)

Total: $4.94
Grand Total: $421.91
Left to Save: $161.12

Happy Biking!


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Final Thoughts About the End

Hello, friends!

I have posted photos from right before The Rolla got towed on Monday. As you can probably tell from my fake smile, I was a bit of a mess and not super happy about saying goodbye. Alas, al good things must come to an end, right?

Thankfully, the weather has been dry enough for me to bike the past few days, which has helped me take my mind off the fact that we don't have the Rolla anymore.  Soon we will be looking for a new car but the timing isn't quite right just yet.

Who knows, maybe this is a blessing in disguise.  Maybe saying goodbye was the best thing.  The Rolla was definitely getting older and a blown engine actually made the decision to not repair it pretty easy.  The only remedy would have been an engine replacement, in which case it wouldn't have been the Rolla anymore. 

Either way, what's done is done.  Now it is time to look forward and get back to biking so I can save some more cash that way.  I would like to think that this blog helped the Rolla last a little bit longer.  Every mile I biked was a mile the Rolla didn't have to drive, meaning it got to spend one more day being my car.  Or rather, I got to spend one more day being its owner.

Goodbye, old friend.

Miles: 6 ($.52)
Meters: 7 hours on campus ($7.00)
New bike light: -$26.98

Total: $19.46
Grand Total: $416.97
Left to Save: $166.06

Happy biking!
