Friday, September 30, 2011

Everyone knows it's Windy...

Hello, friends!

Few of you probably know who Larry Ramos is.  In fact, I had to spend about 10 minutes on Google trying to make sure that Larry was the guy who I thought he was (it turns out that he was).  But Larry Ramos is a bit of a hero of mine.  You see, Larry is the Asian American guitar player for the Association, the maker of such hits like "Cherish" and "Windy." 

I was thinking about Larry because it was quite windy yesterday and biking around was a bit of an ordeal.  (I had the song Windy) stuck in my head.  Larry is my hero because as far as I can tell, he's the first Asian American rock star. 

I can't remember exactly what it was that I was watching, it was probably one of those Time-Life infomercials where they try to send you 150 of the greatest hits of all time on 12 compact discs for the low price of $3.3 trillion or something like that.  They always do clips of live performances to go along with the clips of the songs they are playing and I remember being in shock when I saw Larry there.  There was an Asian American guy, rocking a suit (as was the style at the time) playing his guitar and being a real part of a real band that really had some hits.  All this was back in the 60's too. 

So, here's to you, Larry Ramos!  You're an inspiration to us all! 

Stats since the last post:
Places traveled: Campus a few times, Dominos, Plasma, and Red Mango. 
Distance traveled:  10.7 miles ($.89)
Meters: 2 hours downtown ($1.20) + 8 hours on campus ($8.00)

Grand Total: $10.09
Grand Total so far: $75.09
Left to save: $507.57

Happy Biking!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hybrid Commuting...

Hello, friends!

Two quick stories to tell you about.  Last Thursday I went to Buffalo Wild Wings with my friend Chris.  I rode my bike to campus and my friend Chris lives pretty much right next to the BWW, so we had a bit of a dilemma.  Do I ride to BWW or do I ask Chris to give me a ride back to campus and then have to drive all the way back to his place.  Chris ended up giving me a ride to BWW and I rode back.

Story number two just happened a few hours ago.  I rode to church this morning, actually, it's right next to the BWW, now that I think about it.  But my friend Dude and I were both going to my friend Bob's house to watch football (which is what I'm doing right now... why are my Dolphins so bad?!).  So, do I ride back and meet Dude there?  Nope, I toss my bike in Dude's trunk and head up with him.

I was trying to figure out what to call this situation, when I bike part of the way and drive part of the way.  My friend (and preferred bike mechanic) Josh already has a term for it that I will gladly be stealing.  He calls it Hybrid Commuting.

There is one limiting factor to my ability to plan my hybrid commuting like Josh does.  That would be the fact that I don't own a bike rack.  I've found that I can fit my car into my bike (and even take both wheels off, which is nice), but it's definitely easier if I have a bike rack to put on the trunk or something like that.  Of course, that would require me to spend some more money, which is definitely not something that is Penny Peddle approved.  =0).

Today's stats:
Places traveled: Church 1.5 times (once being a hybrid commute)
Distance traveled: 13.5 miles ($1.13)

Grand Total for the day: $1.13
Grand Total so far: $66.13
Left to save: $516.33

Happy Biking!


Saturday, September 24, 2011

High Socks and Sculpted Calves...

Hello, friends!

Guys, my legs are seriously sore.  It's probably because of the sprinting and the basketball I played on Friday, but the biking certainly doesn't help.  I drove to soccer today because the thought of biking those hills made me want to crawl back into bed and sleep for a year.  Oh, and because I was late.  =0).  This is probably the crossroads for me.  Will I continue to pedal?  I say yes!!!

When I was sprinting and playing basketball on Friday, I noticed that my socks kept falling down.  Last night when I was hanging out with my wonderful and beautiful girlfriend, she noticed that my calves look a lot bigger than they used to.  (How she knew this or why she measures my calves is beyond me, but I've learned to not ask too many questions.)  Suddenly, it was light a lightbulb went off.  Of course my socks would fall down if my calves are getting bigger!

For those of you who don't know, I wear really high socks.  Tube socks to be exact.  It started as a way to save money (my brother was going to throw a perfectly good pack of socks out!) but turned into a comfort thing (I don't like when my ankles are covered but my calves aren't).  Many a student, family member, friend, and girlfriend has tried to get me to switch to more "traditional" socks of the crew or ankle variety, but I just can't do it.  My legs feel more secure when they're in my high socks.

But, we may have a dilemma.  What if this trend continues?  What if my calves continue to grow on account of all the pedaling and the socks continue to be of little or no use to me?  Do I make the switch to ankle socks?  Do I buy longer socks, of the soccer variety?  Ah, these are the difficult questions that one must face when penny pedaling.  I can give you a hint though, it won't be the ankle socks.  =0).

Stats since my last post:
Places traveled: BWW, Kui, the bank, and campus
Distance traveled: 8.9 miles (Note: A friend drove me to BWW, then I rode back to my place.) ($1.06)
Meter: 7 hours on campus ($7) + 1 hour downtown ($.60)

Total: $9.66
Grand Total so far: $65.00
Left to save: $517.46 (Note: This math is wrong.  I'm going to have to correct it tomorrow)

Happy Biking!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Source of Pride and a Badge of Honor

Hello, friends! 

I have a confession to make.  If you know me at all, this will not come as much of a shock to you, but I am a very prideful person.  Ironically enough, it's not something I'm proud of, but it is who I am. 

What does this have to do with bicycling?  Well, it goes like this.  I'm not only prideful, but I'm also rule conscious.  From a biking standpoint, it means I wear my helmet when I bike.  Safety is no accident you know.  But I always have this battle when I park my bike and lock it up to go inside.  Do I take my helmet with me, or do I wear it in? 

There are tons of good reasons to bring a helmet inside.  You don't want it to be stolen.  You don't want it to get rained on or a bird to poop on it.  You just biked to a roller derby bout and need the helmet inside.  But why do I bring my helmet inside and with me wherever I go?  Because I like people knowing that I biked to get where I needed to be. 

Economics has this concept known as signals.  It's a fairly intuitive concept.  The idea of a signal is that any action a company takes can be seen as an indicator that signifies some other characteristic of that company.  If a company receives an award of some sort, that is a signal that it is a good company.  At the same time, if a company lays off 40% of its workforce, that is a signal that the company is in trouble. 

As I see it, wearing a helmet inside signals that someone biked (duh) but also that they are energy conscious, money conscious, and probably in decent enough physical condition to bike places.  I could be totally misplaced here, but those are my signals.  So, we'll continue to ride, we'll continue to be safe, and we'll continue to wear our helmet inside.  =0). 

Here are yesterday's stats:
Places traveled: Campus twice
Distance traveled: 5.1 miles ($.46)
Meter: 1.5 hours on campus ($1.50)

Grand Total for the day: $1.96
Grand Total so far: $56.34
Left to save: $525.16

Happy Biking!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A shorty but a goodie!

Hello, friends! 

It has been a LONG day.  So long, in fact, that it's already tomorrow!  I had a sweet post planned, but frankly, I need the sleep more than anything else.  So, you'll just have to wait!  =0). 

Here are today's stats:
Places traveled: Campus, Flatbranch, and Walmart
Distance traveled: 10.0 miles ($.90)
Meter: 6 hours on campus ($6.00)

Grand Total for the day: $6.90
Grand Total so far: $61.38
Left to save: $520.22

Happy Biking!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Driver's etiquette, apparently harder than it looks...

Hello, friends! 

As I've been biking more and more, one of the disturbing things I've noticed is that while the City of Columbia is very bike friendly (plenty of bike lanes and things of that nature), the drivers of the City of Columbia are less so.  I don't want to bunch everyone together because of a few bad apples, but a trend that I have noticed is that there are three types of drivers when it comes to biker relations. 

Type one: The courteous driver.  This is the driver that slows down when they pass, and make sure that they move over a full lane (if possible) so as to give everyone ample room to share the road.  The courteous driver is a favorite around here at Penny Peddling Headquarters.  Unfortunately, these are a minority in the great city of CoMo. 

Type two: The oblivious driver.  This is easily the most common of the drivers in CoMo.  The oblivious driver doesn't care that there are bikes on the road.  It isn't that they oblivious drivers are being mean to bikers; they simply do not notice them until very late.  These drivers are usually characterized by high speeds upon passing and late lane changes to avoid that bike that "came out of nowhere."

Type three: The belligerent driver.  Unlike the oblivious driver, who simply drives as if bikes are not on the road, the belligerent driver seems almost offended by the fact that a bike would dare impede upon his or her (usually his) driving space.  There is only one course of action; retribution must be paid.  These are the guys who honk to try and scare bikers and yell things out the window as they pass and extremely dangerous speeds.  The belligerent driver cares not for the biker.  In fact, he wishes the biker were off the road completely.

Unfortunately, I've seen too much of my share of the belligerent driver here in CoMo.  I have been honked and laughed at, screamed at in passing in an attempt to scare me, and even once called a homophobic slur.  There is always a temptation to catch them at the next stop light and ask them what the deal is, but the occasion never arises, as they are going at very high speeds. 

So, the moral of the story is simple: be nice to your bikers.  We're doing our best to share the road with you.  The least you could do is return the favor. 

Here are today's stats:
Places traveled: Plasma, Parkade, campus, church, campus, and Bengals
Distance traveled: 13.8 miles ($1.24)
Meter: 3 hours on campus ($3)

Grand Total for the day: $4.24
Grand Total so far: $54.48
Left to save: $527.12

Happy Biking!


Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm Pedaling in the Rain... Just Pedaling in the Rain!

Hello, friends! 

Back in 2009, I bought a house out here in CoMo.  I figured that I would be out here for a while and I wanted a place where students could come and hang out and have it feel like home.  It's a one story house with a finished basement, so my two roommates live upstairs and I have the basement all to myself. 

There are windows down there, but they only show me ground level so most of my light is artificial.  It also means that I'm not totally up on what the weather is like outside until I climb the stairs and get outside.  I can tell when it's raining hard because I can hear the rain hitting the roof and coming down the downspout though, so that's good. 

All that's to say, I decided this afternoon that I was going to go on a bike ride to the park as part of my Sabbath.  I looked out my windows and it was gloomy but I didn't hear any rain.  My next step was to check the weather, and said it was "cloudy."  The radar had green stuff (rain) just to the south of us, so I figured I was in the clear.

So, I get myself all ready to go, step outside, and lo and behold, it's raining.  Not a hard rain but one of those light misty rains.  You know the kind.  They're more annoying than anything else because they get speckles all over your glasses but it isn't raining hard enough to actually cancel your plans. 

I wrote a few days ago, maybe it was yesterday actually, about how I don't like to ride in the rain, but I decided that this rain wasn't bad enough to keep me from what I wanted to do.  So, I rode out, got a little wet, but it was totally worth it.  Good times biking, my friends, good times. 

Here are today's stats:
Places traveled: The park, Subway, and Bob's house
Distance traveled: 6.4 miles ($.58)
Meter: None

Grand Total for the day: $.58
Grand Total so far: $50.24
Left to save: $531.36

Happy Biking!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Will it, or won't it?! That is the question...

Hello, friends! 

I talked about this earlier in my other blog about how a 40% chance of rain is the worst because you don't there is no confidence in any decision that one makes about doing or not doing an event, one way or the other.  Well, that also goes for biking. 

Church, where I ref soccer on Saturday mornings, is only a 25 minute ride away.  I met a student at a Dairy Queen, less than 1.5 miles from my house.  A friend of mine is doing roller derby and it would actually be a shorter distance to bike there than to drive there.  But, I drove to all these places.  Why?  Because I don't want to get caught in a downpour. 

I think I mentioned this earlier, but if I haven't you're hearing it now.  With the exception of last semester, every semester I have been in Columbia, 8 total, I have crashed my bike.  Before last year, it was like clockwork.  One time it was black ice.  Another time it was during a light snow.  One time it was human stupidity as I tried to talk on the phone while biking.  But, all the other times, it's been because of rain.  It's not that I'm afraid (at least I don't think I am) of biking in the rain.  It's more that I just don't trust myself, especially on a bike that is faster than my old one (not to mention newer and more expensive). 

So, no stats for today.  Don't worry though, we'll get back to pedaling (and saving pennies) in no time!

Happy biking!


Friday, September 16, 2011

Doppelgangers and Tight Pants...

Hello, friends!

I know two Laura Li's.  One of them joined staff the same year I did and is the author of Disnerd Adventures, a really cool blog where she is going to go through every Disney animated movie.  The other Laura Li is a Mizzou alum and one of the founding members of Mizzou ACF, one of the groups I lead.  Oddly enough, they actually once met at a teen camp something or other!

Laura Li, the student, is not only a wonderful singer (the original Worship Leader for ACF), but also is one of the most fashionable folk I have ever met in person.  She's always so very stylish!  Not only that, her wonderful style has actually influenced my own style.  Last year, for Christmas, Laura and a group of ACFers pooled together to buy me some new clothes!  I got a two pairs of sweet shoes and two pairs of very stylish jeans.

What does that have to do with Penny Peddling?  Well, today I logged a ton of miles.  I originally was going to only put in a quick trip to the post office to pick up a package, but it turned out that I needed to go to the other post office in CoMo, about 5 miles (and a ton of hills) away.  I was already on my bike, so I decided to peddle the trip!

As I was peddling, I noticed that my legs were getting really sore and tingly.  Now, my legs have gotten sore while biking before, but this felt different.  And, it immediately went away when I stood at a stop light.  Still, I kept peddling, mostly because I didn't have much of a choice.  =0).

On my way back, it hit me... it was my pants.  One of the pairs that Laura and the ACFers got me was of the "slim straight" variety.  I'm not entirely sure of what that means, but those were the pants I was wearing today.  I think the cut of the jeans plus my legs getting bigger on account of the biking meant that these pants were CUTTING OFF CIRCULATION TO MY LEGS!!!  The pants look great, but I probably can't pedal too much with them from here on out.

Here are today's stats:
Places traveled: Post office, lunch, the other post office, church, and the Sprint store.
Distance traveled: 14.8 miles ($1.33)
Meter: none

$ saved today: $1.33
$ saved to date: $49.66
Left to save: $531.94

Happy Biking!


Thursday, September 15, 2011

My quest in a nutshell...

Hello, friends!

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted.  I'll update the stats just for today as a bit of punishment.  =0).

Just a quick post today.  One of my new favorite comics is  It's really simple and a little bit nerdy, but still, it is really funny.  Here is the latest:

Really, isn't this what Penny Peddling is all about?  Instead of worrying about saving a penny per gallon because I have to fill up so often, I have the freedom of knowing that my transportation is petrol free.  My, what a wonderful world in which we live.  =0).  

Here are today's stats:

Places traveled: Chipotle, campus and the bank
Distance traveled: 4.1 miles ($.38)
Meter: 1 hour downtown ($.60) + 4.5 hours on campus ($4.50)

Grand total for the day: $5.48
Grand total so far: $48.33
Left to save: $533.29

Happy Biking!
