Saturday, September 24, 2011

High Socks and Sculpted Calves...

Hello, friends!

Guys, my legs are seriously sore.  It's probably because of the sprinting and the basketball I played on Friday, but the biking certainly doesn't help.  I drove to soccer today because the thought of biking those hills made me want to crawl back into bed and sleep for a year.  Oh, and because I was late.  =0).  This is probably the crossroads for me.  Will I continue to pedal?  I say yes!!!

When I was sprinting and playing basketball on Friday, I noticed that my socks kept falling down.  Last night when I was hanging out with my wonderful and beautiful girlfriend, she noticed that my calves look a lot bigger than they used to.  (How she knew this or why she measures my calves is beyond me, but I've learned to not ask too many questions.)  Suddenly, it was light a lightbulb went off.  Of course my socks would fall down if my calves are getting bigger!

For those of you who don't know, I wear really high socks.  Tube socks to be exact.  It started as a way to save money (my brother was going to throw a perfectly good pack of socks out!) but turned into a comfort thing (I don't like when my ankles are covered but my calves aren't).  Many a student, family member, friend, and girlfriend has tried to get me to switch to more "traditional" socks of the crew or ankle variety, but I just can't do it.  My legs feel more secure when they're in my high socks.

But, we may have a dilemma.  What if this trend continues?  What if my calves continue to grow on account of all the pedaling and the socks continue to be of little or no use to me?  Do I make the switch to ankle socks?  Do I buy longer socks, of the soccer variety?  Ah, these are the difficult questions that one must face when penny pedaling.  I can give you a hint though, it won't be the ankle socks.  =0).

Stats since my last post:
Places traveled: BWW, Kui, the bank, and campus
Distance traveled: 8.9 miles (Note: A friend drove me to BWW, then I rode back to my place.) ($1.06)
Meter: 7 hours on campus ($7) + 1 hour downtown ($.60)

Total: $9.66
Grand Total so far: $65.00
Left to save: $517.46 (Note: This math is wrong.  I'm going to have to correct it tomorrow)

Happy Biking!


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