Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Double Epiphany! What could it mean?!?!

Hello, friends!

It appears as though there is a difference between the words "peddle" and "pedal."  I'm not sure why I didn't figure this out earlier.  Of course, if I was a little more intelligent, I would have kept up the ruse and led everyone to believe that I was super witty and made a pun.  Alas, I am could not, I am not, and I did not.  =0).

That's epiphany number one.  The second epiphany is that since I bought Sulu, I've been spending a lot more time on campus.  Part of this could be because I love being on campus and love being with students.  Part of it could also be because it's the beginning of the year and I need to spend more time on campus in order to start the year off right.  But, I think that this blog has something to do with it.

See, as my sister Chrissie "The Kid" pointed out, I don't actually go all that many places!  I go to campus, I go downtown, I go to shopping occasionally, and that's pretty much it.  Columbia is such a small city that I can get anywhere I need to go within 5 miles.  It's a pretty sweet deal from a biking standpoint.  But, from a penny peddling standpoint, I don't get a whole lot of pennies by driving 4 miles a day.  When you add in that my car gets great mpg, the pennies are even harder to come by!

However, where I do save a ton of cash in on meters.  Those dollars add up, friends!  Well, the best way for me to save meter money is for me to spend time on campus.  So, I spend more time on campus and everyone wins!

Here are today's stats:
Places traveled: Campus, Plasma, Kui for lunch, and back to campus.
Distance traveled: Google Maps says 5.1 miles ($.49)
Meter: On Campus 4 hours ($4) + Downtown 2 hours ($1.20)

Grand Total for the day: $5.69
Grand Total so far: $48.11
Left to save: $532.51

Happy Biking!


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