Friday, September 16, 2011

Doppelgangers and Tight Pants...

Hello, friends!

I know two Laura Li's.  One of them joined staff the same year I did and is the author of Disnerd Adventures, a really cool blog where she is going to go through every Disney animated movie.  The other Laura Li is a Mizzou alum and one of the founding members of Mizzou ACF, one of the groups I lead.  Oddly enough, they actually once met at a teen camp something or other!

Laura Li, the student, is not only a wonderful singer (the original Worship Leader for ACF), but also is one of the most fashionable folk I have ever met in person.  She's always so very stylish!  Not only that, her wonderful style has actually influenced my own style.  Last year, for Christmas, Laura and a group of ACFers pooled together to buy me some new clothes!  I got a two pairs of sweet shoes and two pairs of very stylish jeans.

What does that have to do with Penny Peddling?  Well, today I logged a ton of miles.  I originally was going to only put in a quick trip to the post office to pick up a package, but it turned out that I needed to go to the other post office in CoMo, about 5 miles (and a ton of hills) away.  I was already on my bike, so I decided to peddle the trip!

As I was peddling, I noticed that my legs were getting really sore and tingly.  Now, my legs have gotten sore while biking before, but this felt different.  And, it immediately went away when I stood at a stop light.  Still, I kept peddling, mostly because I didn't have much of a choice.  =0).

On my way back, it hit me... it was my pants.  One of the pairs that Laura and the ACFers got me was of the "slim straight" variety.  I'm not entirely sure of what that means, but those were the pants I was wearing today.  I think the cut of the jeans plus my legs getting bigger on account of the biking meant that these pants were CUTTING OFF CIRCULATION TO MY LEGS!!!  The pants look great, but I probably can't pedal too much with them from here on out.

Here are today's stats:
Places traveled: Post office, lunch, the other post office, church, and the Sprint store.
Distance traveled: 14.8 miles ($1.33)
Meter: none

$ saved today: $1.33
$ saved to date: $49.66
Left to save: $531.94

Happy Biking!



  1. LOL. Your poor legs. Well you know what they is pain ha ha ha

  2. who says that and why must it be true?!?!
